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windows 安装 latex,两步直接安装

程序员文章站 2022-07-12 08:41:03

## 首先安装MiKTeX,教程在下面


## 然后安装WinEdt10,教程在下面


## latex模板

\documentclass{article}  % 选择模版,这里是使用Latex自带的article模版
    \author{my name}
    \usepackage{graphicx}   % 插入图片用到的宏包
    \usepackage{multirow}   % 插入表格用到的宏包
    \usepackage{ctex}       % 中文支持
   \section{Hello China} China is in East Asia.

        \subsection{Hello Beijing} Beijing is the capital of China.

        \subsubsection{Hello Dongcheng District}
            \paragraph{Tian'anmen Square}is in the center of Beijing,来个中文
            \subparagraph{Chairman Mao} is in the center of Tian'anmen Square

        \subsection{Hello Guangzhou}
            \paragraph{Sun Yat-sen University} is the best university in Guangzho
        \subsection{My test}

            \paragraph{}Beijing is the capital of \\ China.  % \\强制换行

            \paragraph{}Washington is the capital of America.

            \paragraph{}Washington is the capital of America.

            % 插入图片

            % 插入表格
            a & b \\
            c & d\\



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