2022-07-07 23:36:32
目录1 ui对象不可用的时候显示置灰效果由于人眼对rgb敏刚程度不同,对绿色的敏感度最高,对红色的敏感度次之,对蓝色的敏感度最低,因此需要对rgb设置不同的权重,来达到灰度显示的效果,比较常用的rgb...
由于人眼对rgb敏刚程度不同,对绿色的敏感度最高,对红色的敏感度次之,对蓝色的敏感度最低,因此需要对rgb设置不同的权重,来达到灰度显示的效果,比较常用的rgb权重值为 r:0.298912, g:0.586611,b: 0.114478
graycolor.rgb = float3(color.r0.298912 , color.g0.586611 ,color.b*0.114478)
1 ui对象不可用的时候显示置灰效果
通过shader进行控制置灰,shader中添加变量 _showgray,在代码中可以通过动态给改变量赋值的方式,控制是否进行置灰显示
shader 代码是通过 image effect shader进行简单修改得到的,
shader "ui/uigray" { properties { _maintex ("texture", 2d) = "white" {} [toggle]_showgray("show gray", range(0,1)) = 0 } subshader { // no culling or depth cull off zwrite off ztest always //-----add code------- blend srcalpha oneminussrcalpha //----finish---- pass { cgprogram #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "unitycg.cginc" struct appdata { float4 vertex : position; float2 uv : texcoord0; }; struct v2f { float2 uv : texcoord0; float4 vertex : sv_position; }; v2f vert (appdata v) { v2f o; o.vertex = unityobjecttoclippos(v.vertex); o.uv = v.uv; return o; } sampler2d _maintex; fixed _showgray; fixed4 frag (v2f i) : sv_target { fixed4 col = tex2d(_maintex, i.uv); // just invert the colors //col.rgb = 1 - col.rgb; //----add code---- fixed gray = dot(col.rgb, float3(0.298912, 0.586611, 0.114478)); col.rgb = lerp(col.rgb, fixed3(gray, gray, gray), _showgray); //-----finish----- return col; } endcg } } }
2 场景中所有对象置灰,比如战斗失败时候显示的置灰效果
using system.collections; using system.collections.generic; using unityengine; public class posteffectgray : monobehaviour { public material graymaterial; void onrenderimage(rendertexture src, rendertexture dest) { graphics.blit(src, dest, graymaterial); } }
shader "unlit/gray" { properties { _maintex ("texture", 2d) = "white" {} } subshader { tags { "rendertype"="opaque" } lod 100 pass { cgprogram #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag // make fog work #pragma multi_compile_fog #include "unitycg.cginc" struct appdata { float4 vertex : position; float2 uv : texcoord0; }; struct v2f { float2 uv : texcoord0; unity_fog_coords(1) float4 vertex : sv_position; }; sampler2d _maintex; float4 _maintex_st; v2f vert (appdata v) { v2f o; o.vertex = unityobjecttoclippos(v.vertex); o.uv = transform_tex(v.uv, _maintex); unity_transfer_fog(o,o.vertex); return o; } fixed4 frag (v2f i) : sv_target { // sample the texture fixed4 col = tex2d(_maintex, i.uv); half3 gray = dot(col.rgb, half3 (0.22, 0.707, 0.071)); // apply fog unity_apply_fog(i.fogcoord, col); return fixed4(gray.rgb, col.a); } endcg } } }
上一篇: 紫菜蛋花汤是紫菜要切还是蛋花要切啊