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程序员文章站 2022-07-07 09:07:06




class class TComPicYuv

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Pel*  m_apiPicBuf[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];             ///< Buffer (including margin)//指向图像的每个分量top-left处,图像包含了margin

  Pel*  m_piPicOrg[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];              ///< m_apiPicBufY + m_iMarginLuma*getStride() + m_iMarginLuma

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Parameter for general YUV buffer usage
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Int   m_picWidth;                                 ///< Width of picture in pixels
  Int   m_picHeight;                                ///< Height of picture in pixels
  ChromaFormat m_chromaFormatIDC;                   ///< Chroma Format 420 400 422 444

  Int*  m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];  ///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given CTU (and channel)//指向某个ctu起始位置所在图像的位置
  Int*  m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given sub-CU (and channel), relative to start of CTU //指向某个4*4块在TCU的位置

  Int   m_marginX;                                  ///< margin of Luma channel (chroma's may be smaller, depending on ratio)
  Int   m_marginY;                                  ///< margin of Luma channel (chroma's may be smaller, depending on ratio)

  Bool  m_bIsBorderExtended;  //是否需要填充图像,如果不是64的整数倍需要填充为64的整数倍

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Pel*  m_apiPicBuf[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];             ///< Buffer (including margin)//指向图像的每个分量top-left处,图像包含了margin

  Pel*  m_piPicOrg[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];              ///< m_apiPicBufY + m_iMarginLuma*getStride() + m_iMarginLuma

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Parameter for general YUV buffer usage
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Int   m_picWidth;                                 ///< Width of picture in pixels
  Int   m_picHeight;                                ///< Height of picture in pixels
  ChromaFormat m_chromaFormatIDC;                   ///< Chroma Format 420 400 422 444

  Int*  m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];  ///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given CTU (and channel)//指向某个ctu起始位置所在图像的位置
  Int*  m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given sub-CU (and channel), relative to start of CTU //指向某个4*4块在TCU的位置

  Int   m_marginX;                                  ///< margin of Luma channel (chroma's may be smaller, depending on ratio)
  Int   m_marginY;                                  ///< margin of Luma channel (chroma's may be smaller, depending on ratio)

  Bool  m_bIsBorderExtended;  //是否需要填充图像,如果不是64的整数倍需要填充为64的整数倍



相关标签: HEVC