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程序员文章站 2022-07-06 09:42:32

font_name:字体名,如 num

training├── jTessBoxEditor |——jTessBoxEditor.jar
├── nomal.num.exp0.tif
├── training.bat

注意:应先用jTessBoxEditor merge 样本images 生成.tif文件,再使用脚本,使用期间会再次打开工具,便于调整字符位置和内容。应保证jTessBoxEditor 和 java环境正常。

@echo off 

set "src=%1%" 

set "font_name=%2%"

set "desc=%3%" 

if  not  defined src set /p src=" please pass your filename : "

if  not  defined font_name set /p font_name=" please pass your font_name : "

if  not  defined desc set /p desc=" please pass your desc : "

rem 判断参数的合法性
if  not  defined src echo  IllegalArgumentException arg1 must not be null &  pause>nul & exit

if  not  defined font_name echo  IllegalArgumentException arg2 must not be null &  pause>nul & exit

if  not  defined desc set "desc=%src:~0,-4%"  

 echo desc %desc%

rem 如果目录下没有font_properties 文件创建 font_properties ,并写入文件

if exist font_properties (

 echo  font_properties exist

) else (

ECHO  %font_name% 0 0 0 0 0  >"font_properties"


rem  删除原有文件  

if exist %font_name%.unicharset ECHO DEL %font_name%.unicharset &   DEL  /Q  names %font_name%.unicharset

if exist %font_name%.inttemp  ECHO DEL %font_name%.inttemp &  DEL  /Q  names %font_name%.inttemp

if exist %font_name%.pffmtable  ECHO DEL %font_name%.pffmtable &  DEL  /Q  names %font_name%.pffmtable

if exist %font_name%.shapetable ECHO DEL %font_name%.shapetable & DEL  /Q  names %font_name%.shapetable

if exist %font_name%.normproto ECHO DEL %font_name%.normproto & DEL  /Q  names %font_name%.normproto

if exist %font_name%.font_properties ECHO DEL %font_name%.font_properties & DEL  /Q  names %font_name%.font_properties

rem   makebox

tesseract %desc%.tif %desc% -l eng --psm 6 batch.nochop makebox

ECHO Create files: %desc%.box

java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -jar jTessBoxEditor/jTessBoxEditor.jar

ECHO Please change your results , and press any key to continue


tesseract %src% %desc% -l eng --psm 6 nobatch box.train

unicharset_extractor %desc%.box

shapeclustering -F font_properties -U unicharset %desc%.tr

mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O  unicharset %desc%.tr

cntraining %desc%.tr

rem  配置新文件

if exist unicharset ECHO rename unicharset %font_name%.unicharset &  rename unicharset %font_name%.unicharset

if exist inttemp ECHO rename inttemp %font_name%.inttemp &  rename inttemp %font_name%.inttemp

if exist pffmtable ECHO rename pffmtable %font_name%.pffmtable &  rename pffmtable %font_name%.pffmtable

if exist shapetable ECHO rename shapetable %font_name%.shapetable &  rename shapetable %font_name%.shapetable

if exist normproto ECHO rename normproto %font_name%.normproto &  rename normproto %font_name%.normproto


combine_tessdata %font_name%.


if exist font_properties ECHO rename font_properties %font_name%.font_properties & rename font_properties %font_name%.font_properties


ECHO  press any key to continue


将代码命名为 XXX.bat,cmd cd 到训练目录执行。

相关标签: tesseract