用vb和vbs 破解flashxp的密码的代码
2022-07-04 20:27:43
function decryptflashfxp(password)
magic =...
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vb 破解flashxp的密码,他的密码放在 sites.dat 文件中,大家打开这个文件,可以看到如下:
public function decryptflashfxp(password as string) as string
dim x as integer
dim magic() as string
dim chrresulta as integer
dim chrresultb as integer
dim chrlast as integer
dim chrtmp as integer
dim magicnum as integer
dim pwdtmp as string
'magic buffer = "ya36za48dehfrvghgrg57h5
' uldv3"
magic = split("121,65,51,54,122,65,52,56,100,69,104,102,114,118,103,104,71,82,103,53,55,104,53,85,108,68,118,51", ",")
chrlast = val("&h" & mid(password, 1, 2))
magicnum = 0
for x = 3 to len(password) step 2
chrtmp = val("&h" & mid(password, x, 2))
chrresulta = (chrtmp xor magic(magicnum))
chrresultb = chrresulta - val(chrlast)
if chrresultb > 255 or chrresultb < 0 then
chrresultb = chrresultb - &hffffff01
end if
chrlast = chrtmp
pwdtmp = pwdtmp & chr(chrresultb)
magicnum = magicnum + 1
if magicnum > 27 then
magicnum = 0
end if
next x
decryptflashfxp = pwdtmp
end function
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vb 破解flashxp的密码,他的密码放在 sites.dat 文件中,大家打开这个文件,可以看到如下:
复制代码 代码如下:
public function decryptflashfxp(password as string) as string
dim x as integer
dim magic() as string
dim chrresulta as integer
dim chrresultb as integer
dim chrlast as integer
dim chrtmp as integer
dim magicnum as integer
dim pwdtmp as string
'magic buffer = "ya36za48dehfrvghgrg57h5
' uldv3"
magic = split("121,65,51,54,122,65,52,56,100,69,104,102,114,118,103,104,71,82,103,53,55,104,53,85,108,68,118,51", ",")
chrlast = val("&h" & mid(password, 1, 2))
magicnum = 0
for x = 3 to len(password) step 2
chrtmp = val("&h" & mid(password, x, 2))
chrresulta = (chrtmp xor magic(magicnum))
chrresultb = chrresulta - val(chrlast)
if chrresultb > 255 or chrresultb < 0 then
chrresultb = chrresultb - &hffffff01
end if
chrlast = chrtmp
pwdtmp = pwdtmp & chr(chrresultb)
magicnum = magicnum + 1
if magicnum > 27 then
magicnum = 0
end if
next x
decryptflashfxp = pwdtmp
end function