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SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库 SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 

程序员文章站 2022-07-02 14:29:01


SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 

There are also some other metadata repository tables which would be accessed in the runtime:


Extensibility runtime field definition

One example:

SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 

From table above, every AET field should have a data type assigned during creation.

One data type has one dedicated handler class:

SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 

As a result if we would like to "cheat" AET framework to consider the extension field created by S4 Key user tool also as an AET field, we have to insert one entry to this table manually, OR ELSE:


SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台 SAP CRM扩展字段的元数据仓库
        SAPCRMSAP成都研究院SAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台