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程序员文章站 2022-07-01 08:48:45
1. 主机规划 salt 版本 salt ssh文档 2. salt-ssh实现步骤 2.1. 部署salt-ssh 在salt100上部署salt-ssh 查看版本信息 2.2. salt-ssh配置 3. salt-ssh操作测试 3.1. 首次通信并实现秘钥登录 注意: 第一次连接时会输入密码 ......


1. 主机规划



salt 版本

1 [root@salt100 ~]# salt --version
2 salt 2018.3.3 (oxygen)
3 [root@salt100 ~]# salt-minion --version
4 salt-minion 2018.3.3 (oxygen)


salt ssh文档



2. salt-ssh实现步骤

2.1. 部署salt-ssh


yum install -y salt-ssh    



1 [root@salt100 ~]# salt-ssh --version
2 salt-ssh 2018.3.3 (oxygen)


2.2. salt-ssh配置

 1 [root@salt100 ~]# cat /etc/salt/roster 
 2 # sample salt-ssh config file
 3 #web1:
 4 #  host: # the ip addr or dns hostname
 5 #  user: fred         # remote executions will be executed as user fred
 6 #  passwd: foobarbaz  # the password to use for login, if omitted, keys are used
 7 #  sudo: true         # whether to sudo to root, not enabled by default
 8 #web2:
 9 #  host:
11 # 添加信息如下:
12 # 由于所有机器做了禁止root远程登录,所以这里只能使用普通用户登录,通过提权到root
13 # 普通用户远程
14 salt100:
15   host: # the ip addr or dns hostname
16   user: yun         # remote executions will be executed as user fred
17   # passwd: foobarbaz  # the password to use for login, if omitted, keys are used
18   sudo: true         # whether to sudo to root, not enabled by default
19   port: 22           # default port is 22
21 salt01:
22   host:
23   user: yun
24   sudo: true
26 salt02:
27   host:
28   user: yun
29   sudo: true
31 salt03:
32   host:
33   user: yun
34   sudo: true


3. salt-ssh操作测试

3.1. 首次通信并实现秘钥登录

 1 [root@salt100 ~]# salt-ssh '*' test.ping -i  # 有参数 -i ,之后就可以不需要该参数了
 2 permission denied for host salt100, do you want to deploy the salt-ssh key? (password required):
 3 [y/n] y
 4 password for yun@salt100: 
 5 salt100:
 6     true
 7 permission denied for host salt02, do you want to deploy the salt-ssh key? (password required):
 8 [y/n] y
 9 password for yun@salt02: 
10 salt02:
11     true
12 permission denied for host salt01, do you want to deploy the salt-ssh key? (password required):
13 [y/n] y
14 password for yun@salt01: 
15 salt01:
16     true
17 permission denied for host salt03, do you want to deploy the salt-ssh key? (password required):
18 [y/n] y
19 password for yun@salt03: 
20 salt03:
21     true



会把 /etc/salt/pki/master/ssh/salt-ssh.rsa.pub 拷贝到 /app/.ssh/authorized_keys「/app/ 是 yun用户的家目录,参见《saltstack_使用指南01_部署》说明」。


3.2. salt-ssh目标指定


1 # 通配符
2 salt-ssh '*' test.ping  
3 salt-ssh 'salt1*' test.ping  
4 # 正则表达式
5 salt-ssh -e 'salt1.*' test.ping  
6 salt-ssh -e 'salt(100|03)' test.ping  
7 # 列表
8 salt-ssh -l 'salt100,salt02' test.ping  


3.3. salt-ssh使用raw shell测试


1 [root@salt100 ~]# salt-ssh 'salt01' -r 'echo "${path}"' 
2 salt01:
3     ----------
4     retcode:
5         0
6     stderr:
7     stdout:
8         /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin



1 salt-ssh '*' -r 'df -h' 
2 salt-ssh '*' -r '/usr/sbin/ifconfig'   # 使用了全路径
3 salt-ssh '*' -r '/usr/sbin/ip address' 
4 salt-ssh '*' -r 'whoami' 


3.4. salt-ssh通过raw shell进行安装包操作

salt-ssh '*' -r 'sudo yum install -y nmap' 


3.5. salt-ssh使用grains和pillar

 1 [root@salt100 web]# salt-ssh 'salt01' grains.item os
 2 salt01:
 3     ----------
 4     os:
 5         redhat01
 6 [root@salt100 web]# 
 7 [root@salt100 web]# salt-ssh 'salt01' pillar.items
 8 salt01:
 9     ----------
10     level1:
11         ----------
12         level2:
13             none
14     service_appoint:
15         www


3.6. salt-ssh使用状态模块


 1 [root@salt100 web]# salt-ssh 'salt01' state.highstate test=true  # 使用 state.highstate 还是存在有些问题,所以不要用该函数
 2 salt01:
 4 summary for salt01
 5 -----------
 6 succeeded: 0
 7 failed:   0
 8 -----------
 9 total states run:    0
10 total run time:  0.000 ms
11 [root@salt100 web]# 
12 [root@salt100 web]# 
13 [root@salt100 web]# salt-ssh 'salt01' state.sls web.apache test=true  # 正常使用
14 salt01:
15 ----------
16           id: apache-install
17     function: pkg.installed
18         name: httpd
19       result: true
20      comment: all specified packages are already installed
21      started: 10:26:46.078678
22     duration: 896.211 ms
23      changes:   
24 ----------
25           id: apache-install
26     function: pkg.installed
27         name: httpd-devel
28       result: true
29      comment: all specified packages are already installed
30      started: 10:26:46.975113
31     duration: 16.735 ms
32      changes:   
33 ----------
34           id: apache-service
35     function: service.running
36         name: httpd
37       result: none
38      comment: service httpd is set to start
39      started: 10:26:46.992651
40     duration: 306.683 ms
41      changes:   
43 summary for salt01
44 ------------
45 succeeded: 3 (unchanged=1)
46 failed:    0
47 ------------
48 total states run:     3
49 total run time:   1.220 s
50 [root@salt100 web]# 
51 [root@salt100 web]# 
52 [root@salt100 web]# salt-ssh 'salt01' state.sls web.apache  # 正常使用
53 salt01:
54 ----------
55           id: apache-install
56     function: pkg.installed
57         name: httpd
58       result: true
59      comment: all specified packages are already installed
60      started: 10:26:58.298577
61     duration: 907.003 ms
62      changes:   
63 ----------
64           id: apache-install
65     function: pkg.installed
66         name: httpd-devel
67       result: true
68      comment: all specified packages are already installed
69      started: 10:26:59.205783
70     duration: 16.56 ms
71      changes:   
72 ----------
73           id: apache-service
74     function: service.running
75         name: httpd
76       result: true
77      comment: service httpd has been enabled, and is running
78      started: 10:26:59.223138
79     duration: 980.719 ms
80      changes:   
81               ----------
82               httpd:
83                   true
85 summary for salt01
86 ------------
87 succeeded: 3 (changed=1)
88 failed:    0
89 ------------
90 total states run:     3
91 total run time:   1.904 s


