2022-06-28 18:07:15
select 中的通配符
星号 * 可以用在 select 子句中表示所有的属性,考虑查询
sqlite> select instructor....
select 中的通配符
星号 * 可以用在 select 子句中表示所有的属性,考虑查询
sqlite> select instructor.* ...> from instructor, teaches ...> where =; 10101|srinivasan|comp. sci.|65000 10101|srinivasan|comp. sci.|65000 10101|srinivasan|comp. sci.|65000 12121|wu|finance|90000 15151|mozart|music|40000 22222|einstein|physics|95000 32343|el said|history|60000 45565|katz|comp. sci.|75000 45565|katz|comp. sci.|75000 76766|crick|biology|72000 76766|crick|biology|72000 83821|brandt|comp. sci.|92000 83821|brandt|comp. sci.|92000 83821|brandt|comp. sci.|92000 98345|kim|elec. eng.|80000
它返回了 instructor 中所有的属性
sql 为用户提供了一些结果显示的顺序的控制,order by 子句可以让查询结果中元组按升序显示,考虑按字典序列出 physics 系的所有教师,我们有
sqlite> select name ...> from instructor ...> where dept_name = 'physics' ...> order by name; einstein gold
为了使用降序,我们可以用 desc 表示降序,完整地说,可以用 asc 表示升序,此外,排序可以在多个属性上进行,例如我们希望按 salary 的降序列出整个 instructor 关系,如果有几名教师工资相同,则按姓名升序排列,我们有
sqlite> select * ...> from instructor ...> order by salary desc, name asc; 22222|einstein|physics|95000 83821|brandt|comp. sci.|92000 12121|wu|finance|90000 33456|gold|physics|87000 98345|kim|elec. eng.|80000 76543|singh|finance|80000 45565|katz|comp. sci.|75000 76766|crick|biology|72000 10101|srinivasan|comp. sci.|65000 58583|califieri|history|62000 32343|el said|history|60000 15151|mozart|music|40000
行文至此处才发现一直输出的都是内容而没有列名,一旦列多起来之后实在不方便,可以在 sqlite 交互式界面下使用 .headers on 指令打开列名显示
sqlite> .show echo: off eqp: off explain: auto headers: off mode: list nullvalue: "" output: stdout colseparator: "|" rowseparator: "\n" stats: off width: filename: university.db sqlite> .headers on sqlite> .show echo: off eqp: off explain: auto headers: on mode: list nullvalue: "" output: stdout colseparator: "|" rowseparator: "\n" stats: off width: filename: university.db sqlite> select * ...> from instructor ...> order by salary desc, name asc; id|name|dept_name|salary 22222|einstein|physics|95000 83821|brandt|comp. sci.|92000 12121|wu|finance|90000 33456|gold|physics|87000 98345|kim|elec. eng.|80000 76543|singh|finance|80000 45565|katz|comp. sci.|75000 76766|crick|biology|72000 10101|srinivasan|comp. sci.|65000 58583|califieri|history|62000 32343|el said|history|60000 15151|mozart|music|40000
where 子句谓词
为了简化 where 子句,sql 提供 between 运算符来说明一个值落在一个闭区间内
考虑查询,找出工资在 90000 美元和 100000 美元之间的教师的姓名,直观地有
sqlite> select name ...> from instructor ...> where salary <= 100000 and salary >= 90000; name wu einstein brandt
可以用 between 运算符改写为
sqlite> select name ...> from instructor ...> where salary between 90000 and 100000; name wu einstein brandt
类似的有 not between 运算符
sqlite> select name ...> from instructor ...> where salary not between 90000 and 100000; name srinivasan mozart el said gold katz califieri singh crick kim
where 子句还支持在元组上进行比较,考虑查询,查找 biology 系讲授了课程的所有教师的姓名和他们所讲授的课程
sqlite> select name, course_id ...> from instructor, teaches ...> where (, dept_name) = (, 'biology'); name|course_id crick|bio-101 crick|bio-301
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