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ORA-12537: Network Session: End of file

程序员文章站 2022-06-25 08:21:10
最近开发组同事使用Azure的Function App访问公司内部的Oracle数据库时,偶尔会遇到“ORA-12537: Network Session: End of file”这个错误。关于ORA-12537的详细信息如下: [oracle@DB-Server ~]$ oerr ora 125... ......

最近开发组同事使用azurefunction app访问公司内部的oracle数据库时,偶尔会遇到ora-12537: network session: end of file”这个错误。关于ora-12537的详细信息如下:


[oracle@db-server ~]$ oerr ora 12537

12537, 00000, "tns:connection closed"

// *cause: "end of file" condition has been reached; partner has disconnected.

// *action: none needed; this is an information message.




ora-12537 is an informational message and means that the connection has been closed. this error message can happen due to any of the following reasons:

  1. there are too many connections being open by the application.
  2. there are configuration issues in the sqlnet.ora, protocol.ora and listener.ora files.
  3. database is shut down (maybe for nightly backup), but connection to database was kept by client.
  4. a timeout occurred on the client connection.
  5. a firewall closed idle connections.
  6. there is a path name that is too long for the oracle tns client on windows. see note:263489.1





    sql> alter system disconnect session 'xxx,xxx' immediate;



azurefunction app测试验证发现报ora-12537: network session: end of file 。注意alter system kill session 'xxx,xxx' immediate;也是同样的错误。







