2022-06-24 17:30:49
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>title</title> <style> html {color: #000;overflow-y: scoll;overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical} body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, p, blockquote, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, pre, form, fieldset, legend, button, input, textarea, th, td { margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } #longzhoufeng { position: relative; left: 0; top: 0; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; width: 800px; min-height: 800px; overflow: auto; height: 1000px; background-color: #e9e9e9; } .dashed-box { position: absolute; border: 1px dashed red; width: 0px; height: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; } #moving_box { border: 2px solid red; } .question-box { position: absolute; /* older safari/chrome browsers */ -webkit-opacity: 0.5; /* netscape and older than firefox 0.9 */ -moz-opacity: 0.5; /* safari 1.x (pre webkit!) 老式khtml内核的safari浏览器*/ -khtml-opacity: 0.5; /* ie9 + etc...modern browsers */ opacity: .5; /* ie 4-9 */ filter: alpha(opacity=50); /*this works in ie 8 & 9 too*/ -ms-filter: ""; 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index++; var div = document.createelement("div"); = wid + index; div.classname = "dashed-box"; boxobj.appendchild(div); div = null; // 如果鼠标在 box 上被按下 if(target.classname.match(/del-box/i)) { // 允许拖动 flag = false; // 设置当前 box 的 id 为 moving_box var movingbox = document.getelementbyid("moving_box") if(movingbox !== null) { movingbox.removeattribute("id"); } = "moving_box"; // removebox(target); } else { var div = document.createelement("div"); = wid + index; div.classname = "dashed-box"; boxobj.appendchild(div); div = null; } }, //鼠标离开 mouseup: function(e) { var e = window.event || e; if(boxwidth >= 1 || boxheight >= 1) { boxobj.removechild(dragbox(wid + index)); index++; var div = document.createelement("div"); div.classname = "question-box question-border"; = newmarkpos.left + "px"; = + "px"; = boxwidth + "px"; = boxheight + "px"; boxobj.appendchild(div); div = null; boxwidth = 0; boxheight = 0; } else { if(flag) { boxobj.removechild(dragbox(wid + index)); } } flag = false; }, //鼠标移动 mousemove: function(e) { var e = window.event || e; stopdefault(e) if(flag) { var scrolltop = boxobj.scrolltop; var scrollleft = boxobj.scrollleft; var epx = e.clientx + scrollleft; var epy = e.clienty + scrolltop; var disw = epx - startx; var dish = epy - starty; var l = startl + disw; var t = startt + dish; if(disw > 0) { if(l >= 0) { boxwidth = disw } newmarkpos.left = startl; } else { if(l <= 0) { l = 0; boxwidth = startl; } boxwidth = (startl - l); newmarkpos.left = l; } if(dish > 0) { if(t >= 0) { boxheight = dish } = startt; } else { if(t <= 0) { t = 0; boxheight = startt; } boxheight = (startt - t) = t; } dragbox(wid + index).style.left = newmarkpos.left + "px"; dragbox(wid + index) = + "px"; dragbox(wid + index).style.width = math.abs(boxwidth) + "px"; dragbox(wid + index).style.height = math.abs(boxheight) + "px"; if(e.srcelement.src) { stopdefault(e) } } } } var dragbox = function(id) { return document.getelementbyid(id); } } //等待图片加载完成 app.directive("loadimage", function() { return { restrict: 'a', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.bind('load', function() { scope.$apply(attrs.loadimage); }); } } }) </script> </head> <body> <div ng-app="miniapp" ng-controller="appcontroller"> <div class="main"> <div id="longzhoufeng" ng-mousedown="myevent.mousedown($event)" ng-mouseup="myevent.mouseup($event)" ng-mousemove="myevent.mousemove($event)"> <img ng-src="{{bgimg}}" class="box-background-image" load-image="getboxpicsize()"> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>