2022-06-23 17:28:21
--exec getSupplierInfo2 12,'配电测控终端';测试一个 --exec getSupplierInfo2 12,'AC10kV电力电缆';测试两个 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getSupplierInfo2] @itemID int,--项目序号 @deviceType varchar(100)--设备类别 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @count int;--型号数量 declare @sql nvarchar(max) --1、根据项目序号和设备类别获取设备编码的数量,看看供货商到底需要满足几种型号 select @count = count(distinct(field6)) from table7 where field2=@itemID and field7=@deviceType and field6 is not null; --print @count; if(@count<=0)--说明没有符合条件的 begin set @sql='select 0'; end else begin if(@count=1)--只有一种,那么直接查询即可 begin set @sql = 'select distinct field9 from v_table14 where field2=(select top 1 field6 from table7 where field2='+cast(@itemID as varchar(20))+' and field7='''+@deviceType+''' and field6 is not null)'; end else begin--说明有多种,那么一种一种循环 declare @c int;--循环用 set @c = 1; set @sql=''; while(@c < = @count) begin declare @field6 varchar(200);--设备编码 --2、获取设备编码 select @field6 = field6 from ( select distinct field6,row_number() over(order by field1) as fn from table7 where field2=@itemID and field7=@deviceType and field6 is not null ) as a where fn=@c; --print '设备编码:'+@field6; --3、获取供货商序号 set @sql=@sql+' INTERSECT select distinct field9 from v_table14 where field2='''+@field6+''''; set @c = @c+1; end set @sql = substring(@sql,12,len(@sql)); end end --print @sql; exec(@sql) END
/** * 该方法用来用来获取符合条件的供货商序号 * @param itemID:项目序号 * @param devicesType:设备类别 * @return Object: 0-没有符合条件的供货商数据 null-出现异常可以通过日志文件进行排查 String:供货商序号字符串,以逗号隔开 * **/ public Object getSuppliers(int itemID,String devicesType){ StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); CachedRowSetImpl rs = null; String result = ""; try{ //获取符合条件的供货商序号 sql.append("DECLARE @return_value int;EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[getSupplierInfo2] @itemID="+itemID+",@deviceType='"+devicesType+"';"); // System.out.println("DECLARE @return_value int;EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[getSupplierInfo2] @itemID="+itemID+",@deviceType='"+devicesType+"';"); rs = dbTools.execQuery(sql.toString()); StringBuffer suppliers = new StringBuffer(); while({ suppliers.append(","+rs.getInt(1)); } if(suppliers.length()>1)result = suppliers.substring(1); writeLoggerForSQL("获取供货商序号信息(设备类型:"+devicesType+" 方案序号:"+itemID+")", sql.toString(),result); }catch(Exception e){ writeLoggerForException("获取供货商序号信息(设备类型:"+devicesType+" 方案序号:"+itemID+")", sql.toString(), e); e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ utils.closeCachedRowSet(rs); } return result; } /** * 该方法用来执行查询sql:使用CachedRowSetImpl进行查询 * @param sql:要执行查询的sql * @return CachedRowSetImpl:结果集合 * */ public static CachedRowSetImpl execQuery(String sql){ Connection conn=null; PreparedStatement pst=null; ResultSet rs = null; CachedRowSetImpl rowset = null; try{ conn = com.tzj.hl.db.HlBaseDao.getConn(); if(conn!=null){ pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); rowset=new CachedRowSetImpl(); rowset.populate(pst.executeQuery()); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ com.tzj.hl.db.HlBaseDao.closeConn(rs,pst,conn); } return rowset; }
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[setSupplier] @programID int,--方案序号,table6的主键序号 @supplierID int --服务设计单位序号,table18的主键序号 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; --1、获取标识值 declare @field40 int ;--标识值 select @field40 = field40 from table6 where field1=@programID; if(@field40=0)--为0,那么需要修改 begin --获取当前方案所在的框选清单编号下所有符合条件的方案号的最大的标识值 select @field40 = max(field40)+1 from table6 where field41=(select top 1 field41 from table6 where field1=@programID) end declare @supplierName varchar(200);--服务设计厂商 declare @pay decimal(16,2); select @supplierName = field4,@pay=field11 from table_cfb_pj_unit_info_view where field1=@supplierID; update table6 set field29=getDate(),field27=@supplierID,field28=@supplierName,field40 = @field40,field36=@pay where field1=@programID; END
/** * 该方法用来执行存储过程 * @param programID:方案序号 * @param supplierID:设计单位序号 * **/ public static int execCallableQuery(int programID,int supplierID){ Connection conn=null; CallableStatement callStmt =null; int result=0; try{ conn = com.tzj.hl.db.HlBaseDao.getConn(); if(conn!=null){ callStmt = conn.prepareCall("{call setSupplier(?,?)}"); callStmt.setInt(1,programID); callStmt.setInt(2,supplierID); callStmt.execute();//执行 result = 1; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result = 0; }finally{ com.tzj.hl.db.HlBaseDao.closeConn(null,callStmt,conn); } return result; }