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json 转泛型的集合类

程序员文章站 2022-06-21 21:12:09


package com.boce.test;


import java.io.Serializable;


public class Man implements Serializable{


private String orderId;


private String result;


private String msg;


public Man(){




public Man(String orderId, String result, String msg) {


this.orderId = orderId;

this.result = result;

this.msg = msg;



public String getOrderId() {

return orderId;



public void setOrderId(String orderId) {

this.orderId = orderId;



public String getResult() {

return result;



public void setResult(String result) {

this.result = result;



public String getMsg() {

return msg;



public void setMsg(String msg) {

this.msg = msg;







package com.boce.test;


import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.List;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;


public class JsonToCollection {


* 字符串转化为集合类型的泛型 如ArrayList<*****> 

* @param data 

* @param collectionClass  ArrayList.class

*  @param  clazz   ***.class

* @return


public Object jsonToListObject(final String data,Class<?> collectionClass, Class<?> ...clazz){

Object obj = null;

try {

// string to Object ObjectMapper类用序列化与反序列化映射器

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

//获取泛型的Collection Type

JavaType javaType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(collectionClass, clazz); 

// 当反序列化json时,未知属性会引起的反序列化被打断,这里我们禁用未知属性打断反序列化功能,

// 因为,例如json里有10个属性,而我们的bean中只定义了2个属性,其它8个属性将被忽略


// 从json映射到java对象,得到country对象后就可以遍历查找,下面遍历部分内容,能说明问题就可以了


mapper.configure(Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_CONTROL_CHARS, true) ;


obj = mapper.readValue(data, javaType);

} catch (IOException io) {




return obj;




* 字符串转化为集合类型的泛型 如ArrayList<*****> 

* @param data 

* @param collectionClass  HashMap.class

*  @param  zlass   ***.class

*  @param  clazz   ***.class

* @return


public Object jsonToHashMapObject(final String data,Class<?> collectionClass,Class<?> zlass, Class<?> clazz){

Object obj = null;

try {

// string to Object ObjectMapper类用序列化与反序列化映射器

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

//获取泛型的Collection Type

JavaType javaType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(collectionClass,zlass,clazz); 

// 当反序列化json时,未知属性会引起的反序列化被打断,这里我们禁用未知属性打断反序列化功能,

// 因为,例如json里有10个属性,而我们的bean中只定义了2个属性,其它8个属性将被忽略


// 从json映射到java对象,得到country对象后就可以遍历查找,下面遍历部分内容,能说明问题就可以了


mapper.configure(Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_CONTROL_CHARS, true) ;


obj = mapper.readValue(data, javaType);

} catch (IOException io) {




return obj;



public static void main(String[] args) {


JsonToCollection json = new JsonToCollection();

String data ="[{\"msg\":\"成功\",\"orderId\":\"17030700918003\",\"result\":\"true\"}]";


List<Man> list = (List<Man>)json.jsonToListObject(data, List.class, Man.class);

for(Man it:list){

System.out.println(it.getOrderId() +"--"+it.getResult()+"---"+it.getMsg());




