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SSH 常见使用及问题

程序员文章站 2022-06-17 14:25:48




<1> SSH私钥取消密码(cancel passphrase )



Google后有人提示可以使用.bash_profile配合ssh-agent来实现每次自动加载密钥到内存中,省去输入密码的环节,但.bash_profile有各种弊端,有人专门写了一个叫做keychain的小软件来解决ssh-agent 的不足。



1. 使用openssl命令去掉私钥的密码 openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa -out ~/.ssh/id_rsa_new

2. 备份旧私钥 mv ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa.backup

3. 使用新私钥 mv ~/.ssh/id_rsa_new ~/.ssh/id_rsa

4. 设置权限 chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa




<2> SSH配置authorized_keys却仍然需要输密码




-rw-rw-r--1 hadoop hadoop  395 Jan 1218:37 authorized_keys
-rw-------1 hadoop hadoop 1675 Jan 1218:36 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--1 hadoop hadoop  395 Jan 1218:36 id_rsa.pub

注意: authorized_keys文件的权限,这时该文件中的key是不起作用的。



chmod g-w authorized_keys

如果authorized_keys文件、$HOME/.ssh目录 或 $HOME目录让本用户之外的用户有写权限,那么sshd都会拒绝使用 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 文件中的key来进行认证的。

“man sshd” 命令查看对authorized_keys文件的描述如下:


             Lists the public keys (DSA/ECDSA/RSA) that can be used for logging in as this user.  The format of this file is described above.  The content

             of the file is not highly sensitive, but the recommended permissions are read/write for the user, and not accessible by others.

             If this file, the ~/.ssh directory, or the user's home directory are writable by other users, then the file could be modified or replaced by

             unauthorized users.  In this case, sshd will not allow it to be used unless the StrictModes option has been set to “no”.




相关标签: linux ssh