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linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

程序员文章站 2022-06-15 17:18:08
linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

linux 创建目录命令

linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

If you want to create a directory containing several subdirectories, or a directory tree, using the command line in Linux, generally you have to use the mkdir command several times. However, there is a faster way to do this.

如果要使用Linux中的命令行创建包含多个子目录的目录或目录树,通常必须多次使用mkdir命令。 但是,有一种更快的方法可以做到这一点。

Let’s say we’ve created a directory called htg, and want to create four subdirectories within it. In a normal situation, we’d use the mkdir command to create the htg directory. Then, we’d need the cd command to change to the new htg directory and, finally, we we’d use the mkdir command again four times to create the four subdirectories.

假设我们已经创建了一个名为htg的目录,并希望在其中创建四个子目录。 在正常情况下,我们将使用mkdir命令创建htg目录。 然后,我们需要cd命令更改为新的htg目录,最后,我们将再次使用mkdir命令四次以创建四个子目录。

linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

This can all be combined into one command, and we’ll show you how.


To create a new directory with multiple subdirectories you only need to type the following command at the prompt and press Enter (obviously, change the directory names to what you want).


mkdir -p htg/{articles,images,note,done}

The -p flag tells the mkdir command to create the main directory first if it doesn’t already exist (htg, in our case). The words in the brackets are part of the “brace expansion list”. Each of the items in the brace expansion list is appended separately to the preceding path (htg/).

-p标志告诉mkdir命令首先创建主目录(如果尚不存在)(在本例中为htg)。 方括号中的词是“括号扩展列表”的一部分。 大括号扩展列表中的每个项目都分别附加到前面的路径(htg /)。

linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

For example, the above command is expanded into htg/articles, htg/images, htg/note, htg/done, all four of the subdirectories being created under the htg directory. As you can see in the screenshot below, it worked.

例如,以上命令被扩展为htg / articles,htg / images,htg / note,htg / done,所有四个子目录都在htg目录下创建。 正如您在下面的屏幕快照中看到的那样,它起作用了。

linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

You can also use a brace expansion list in the mkdir command if you’re creating subdirectories in a directory that already exists, as shown below. In this example, the htg directory already exists so the subdirectories are simply added under that directory.

如果要在已经存在的目录中创建子目录,也可以在mkdir命令中使用大括号扩展列表,如下所示。 在此示例中,htg目录已经存在,因此子目录仅添加到该目录下。

linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

You can also nest brace expansion lists in the mkdir command. For example, in the articles subdirectory under the htg directory, we want to create two subdirectories called new and rewritten. So, we type the following command at the prompt and press Enter.

您还可以在mkdir命令中嵌套括号扩展列表。 例如,在htg目录下的articles子目录中,我们想要创建两个名为new和rewrite的子目录。 因此,我们在提示符下键入以下命令,然后按Enter。

mkdir -p htg/{articles/{new,rewrites},images,notes,done}

You can also use the full path if you want, as I’ve done in the example below:


mkdir -p ~/Documents/htg/{articles/{new,rewrites},images,notes,done}

The four subdirectories are created under the htg directory and then the two subdirectories, new and rewrites, are created under the articles subdirectory.


linux 创建目录命令_如何使用一个Linux命令创建多个子目录

It’s that easy. You can also combine the mkdir command with the cd command to make a directory and change to it with one command.

就这么简单。 您还可以将mkdir命令与cd命令结合使用,以创建目录并使用一个命令将其更改为目录

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/275069/how-to-create-multiple-subdirectories-with-one-linux-command/

linux 创建目录命令