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Leetcode SQL题库D3 181~185

程序员文章站 2022-06-11 14:29:28

Leetcode D3
181. 超过经理收入的员工(简单)

select a.name as Employee
from employee a,employee b
where a.managerId = b.Id
and a.salary > b.salary;


     select a.name as Emploee
     from employee a
     join employee b
     on a.managerId = b.Id
     and a.salary > b.salary
  1. 查找重复项(简单)
    首先,如果想要查找重复项,可以通过group by分组,然后通过count计算每个组里面的个数,如果个数大于1,那么就是有重复项啦。
     select email as 'Email'
     from person
     group by email
     having count(email)>1;


     select a.email as 'Email'
     from (select email , count(email) num 
          from person
          group by email
          ) a
     where a.num >1;
  1. 从不订购的客户/查找不在表里的数据
    这道题首先想到的就是外连接,并且可以采用99里面的左连接。今天看到了一个比较好理解的解释,左连接的左边是主表,所以保存左边的所有数据,然后右边的从表来匹配主表。我感觉好像是这个意思。那么如果customers为主表,那么order表里面有数据则匹配,然后没有数据则为null,所以就检查是不是为null,而null只能用is (not)来判断。
     select c.name as 'Customers'
     from Customers c
     left join Orders o 
     on c.id=o.customerid
     where o.customerid is null;
  1. 部门工资最高的员工
    这道题首先想到了左连接,然后group by。结果发现错误了。首先如果是左连接,可能出现部门名称没有匹配的则为null了,可是部门名称不能为null。然后group by 不能选择出并列值,如果部门里面的最高工资有同时几个人获得的话,就不能用group by。然后看了解答,解答是用的内联,然后where in的方法来筛选的。
     select d.name as 'Department',e.name as 'Employee',salary
     from Employee e
     join Department d
     on e.departmentId = d.Id
     where (e.departmentId , salary) in
           (select departmentId,max(salary)
           from Employee
           group by departmentId);


  1. 部门工资前三高的员工
    Leetcode SQL题库D3 181~185


     select d.name as 'Department',e.name as 'Employee' , e.salary as 'Salary'
     from employee e
     join department d
     on e.departmentId = d.Id
     where 3>(select count(distinct em.salary)
              from employee em
              where em.salary > e.salary
              and e.departmentId = em.departmentId )
     ORDER BY d.NAME,Salary DESC;


     select departmentid as 'Department', name as 'Employee',salary as 'Salary'
     from (
         select * ,
            dense_rank() over (partition by departmentid      
            order by salary DESC) as ranking
         from employee) as a
     where ranking < = 3;
相关标签: leetcode 数据库