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Revit API 移动元素

程序员文章站 2022-06-10 23:27:19

1、Using Location 

ElementId ElementId = new ElementId(470604);
Element Element = doc.GetElement(ElementId);
LocationPoint location = Element.Location as LocationPoint;
XYZ newlocation = new XYZ(location.Point.X+10, location.Point.Y, location.Point.Z);
location.Point = newlocation;


ElementId ElementId = new ElementId(470604);
Element Element = doc.GetElement(ElementId);
LocationPoint location = Element.Location as LocationPoint;
XYZ newlocation1 = new XYZ(10,0,0);



public void MoveColumn(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document document, FamilyInstance column)
        // get the column current location
        LocationPoint columnLocation = column.Location as LocationPoint;

        XYZ oldPlace = columnLocation.Point;

        // Move the column to new location.
        XYZ newPlace = new XYZ(10, 20, 30);
        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(document, column.Id, newPlace);

        // now get the column's new location
        columnLocation = column.Location as LocationPoint;
        XYZ newActual = columnLocation.Point;

        string info = "Original Z location: " + oldPlace.Z + 
                        "\nNew Z location: " + newActual.Z;



相关标签: 移动 location