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UE4 视图矩阵

程序员文章站 2022-06-10 23:24:54

UE4 视图矩阵


const FVector ZAxis = (LookAtPosition - EyePosition).GetSafeNormal();
struct FLookAtMatrix : FMatrix
	 * Creates a view matrix given an eye position, a position to look at, and an up vector. 
	 * This does the same thing as D3DXMatrixLookAtLH.
	FLookAtMatrix(const FVector& EyePosition, const FVector& LookAtPosition, const FVector& UpVector);

FORCEINLINE FLookAtMatrix::FLookAtMatrix(const FVector& EyePosition, const FVector& LookAtPosition, const FVector& UpVector)
	const FVector ZAxis = (LookAtPosition - EyePosition).GetSafeNormal();
	const FVector XAxis = (UpVector ^ ZAxis).GetSafeNormal();
	const FVector YAxis = ZAxis ^ XAxis;

	for (uint32 RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < 3; RowIndex++)
		M[RowIndex][0] = (&XAxis.X)[RowIndex];
		M[RowIndex][1] = (&YAxis.X)[RowIndex];
		M[RowIndex][2] = (&ZAxis.X)[RowIndex];
		M[RowIndex][3] = 0.0f;
	M[3][0] = -EyePosition | XAxis;
	M[3][1] = -EyePosition | YAxis;
	M[3][2] = -EyePosition | ZAxis;
	M[3][3] = 1.0f;


UE4 视图矩阵