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【刷题】Who likes it?

程序员文章站 2022-06-09 18:46:14


You probably know the “like” system from Facebook and other pages. People can “like” blog posts, pictures or other items. We want to create the text that should be displayed next to such an item.
Implement a function likes :: [String] -> String, which must take in input array, containing the names of people who like an item. It must return the display text as shown in the examples:

likes [] // must be "no one likes this"
likes ["Peter"] // must be "Peter likes this"
likes ["Jacob", "Alex"] // must be "Jacob and Alex like this"
likes ["Max", "John", "Mark"] // must be "Max, John and Mark like this"
likes ["Alex", "Jacob", "Mark", "Max"] // must be "Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this"


function likes(names) {
  // TODO
  if (names.length === 0) {
    return "no one likes this";
  } else if (names.length === 1) {
    return names[0] + " likes this"
  } else if (names.length === 2) {
    return `${names[0]} and ${names[1]} like this`;
  } else if (names.length === 3) {
    return `${names[0]}, ${names[1]} and ${names[2]} like this`;
  } else if (names.length > 3) {
    return `${names[0]}, ${names[1]} and ${names.length - 2} others like this`

ok, 以下是别的大佬的代码实现:

function likes(names) {
  names = names || [];
    case 0: return 'no one likes this'; break;
    case 1: return names[0] + ' likes this'; break;
    case 2: return names[0] + ' and ' + names[1] + ' like this'; break;
    case 3: return names[0] + ', ' + names[1] + ' and ' + names[2] + ' like this'; break;
    default: return names[0] + ', ' + names[1] + ' and ' + (names.length - 2) + ' others like this';


function likes(names) {
  names.length === 0 && (names = ["no one"]);
  let [a, b, c, ...others] = names;
  switch (names.length) {
    case 1: return `${a} likes this`;
    case 2: return `${a} and ${b} like this`;
    case 3: return `${a}, ${b} and ${c} like this`;
    default: return `${a}, ${b} and ${others.length + 1} others like this`;

这个就有点厉害了,开始用&&,如果数组长度为0,那么就给一个成员“no one”,如果数组有长度,就往下走。

function likes (names) {
  var templates = [
    'no one likes this',
    '{name} likes this',
    '{name} and {name} like this',
    '{name}, {name} and {name} like this',
    '{name}, {name} and {n} others like this'
  var idx = Math.min(names.length, 4);
  return templates[idx].replace(/{name}|{n}/g, function (val) {
    return val === '{name}' ? names.shift() : names.length;


function likes(names) {
  return {
    0: 'no one likes this',
    1: `${names[0]} likes this`, 
    2: `${names[0]} and ${names[1]} like this`, 
    3: `${names[0]}, ${names[1]} and ${names[2]} like this`, 
    4: `${names[0]}, ${names[1]} and ${names.length - 2} others like this`, 
  }[Math.min(4, names.length)]
