2022-06-07 19:01:08
package basic.overrr; public class TableBallCalculator { /** * */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub double a = 5.0; double c = 10.0; double b = Math.log10(c*c)/Math.log10(a*a); b = Math.pow(100-25, 0.5); b = b-1; System.out.println("b= :"+b); System.out.println("sin 1/2 :"+Math.sin(30 * Math.PI/180)); System.out.println("b= :"+Math.atan(b/5) *180.0 / Math.PI); TableBallCalculator t = new TableBallCalculator(); System.out.println("mainas :"+t.getAngles(8, 10, 0, 0)); } double a;// 假设已知 double b;// 假设已知 double c;// 假设未知 double d;// 假设未知 double _a;//角度alpha,以度记,非弧度。假设已知 以_开头表示角度 double _b;//角度beta 。假设已知 double _c;//角度西格玛------求出西格玛,然后返回90-西格玛 即为所求! /** * * 思路,先求c、后d,最后 _c ,返回 _b - (90 - _c) * * b 应该永远大于等于1 */ public double[] getAngles(double aa,double bb,double _aa,double _bb) { a = aa; b = bb; _a = _aa; _b = _bb; c = b * Math.cos(_b*Math.PI/180); _c = Math.atan(b * Math.sin(_b*Math.PI/180)/(c-1)); _c = _c * 180.0 / Math.PI; // return 90-_c; double _a$ = Math.atan(0.5/a) * 180.0 / Math.PI; System.out.println("偏角 _a$ :"+_a$); double best = Math.atan(b * Math.sin(_b*Math.PI/180)/((b * Math.cos(_b*Math.PI/180))-1)) * 180.0 / Math.PI-_b; _b = _b -_a$; double min = Math.atan(b * Math.sin(_b*Math.PI/180)/((b * Math.cos(_b*Math.PI/180))-1)) * 180.0 / Math.PI-_b; _b = _b + 2*_a$; double max = Math.atan(b * Math.sin(_b*Math.PI/180)/((b * Math.cos(_b*Math.PI/180))-1)) * 180.0 / Math.PI-_b; // System.out.println("最小角 _a$ :"+min); System.out.println("最佳角 _a$ :"+best); // System.out.println("最大角 _a$ :"+max); return new double[]{min,best,max}; } }
package basic.overrr; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Toolkit; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class TableBallCanvas { public void init() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public static void main(String arg[]) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Paint"); f.setSize(1500, 1500); f.setVisible(true); MyPanel1 mp = new MyPanel1(); f.add(mp); f.setSize(1000,700); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setVisible(true); } } class MyPanel1 extends JPanel { // 覆盖JPanel的paint方法 public void paint(Graphics g) // Graphics是绘图的重要类,画笔类 {// paint(Graphic g)绘制组件的外观,repaint()刷新组件的外观 // 1.调用父类函数完成初始化 // 这句话,不能少 super.paint(g); g.drawLine(30, this.getHeight()-30, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()-30); g.drawLine(30, 0, 30, this.getHeight()-30); g.drawString("O", 15,this.getHeight()-15); aa(g); for (int i = 0; i < this.getHeight()-30 ; i=i+50) { g.drawString(""+i/20, 8,this.getHeight()-30-i); } g.drawString("Y the distance B",this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()-15); goWithAngleB(g); } //angleB fixed to 45 private void goWithDistinceB(Graphics g) { double step = 0.1; TableBallCalculator tcc = new TableBallCalculator(); double aa = 5; double bb = 1; double _aa = 0; double _bb = 45; double[] angles = null; double oldX = 0; double oldY = 0; int multiply = 10; System.out.println("this.getHeight() : "+this.getHeight()); // 以横坐标为角度, 纵坐标为 最佳偏角 while (bb <= 20) { angles = tcc.getAngles(aa, bb, _aa, _bb); double best = angles[1]; Point point = new Point((int)(_bb*multiply),(int)(best*multiply)); // g.drawOval(point.x, point.y, 2, 2); g.drawLine((int)(oldX*multiply)+30,this.getHeight()-30-(int)(oldY*multiply), (int)(bb*multiply) +30,this.getHeight()-30-(int)(best*multiply)); if((int)bb%5==0) { } g.drawLine((int)(oldX*multiply)+30,this.getHeight()-300-(int)(bb/best), (int)(bb*multiply) +30,this.getHeight()-300-(int)(bb/best)); oldX = bb; oldY = best; bb = bb +0.1; // System.out.println("(_bb/best):==" + (_bb/best)); } for (int i = 1; i <= 20 ; i=i+2) { g.drawString(""+i,(int)(i*multiply)+30,this.getHeight()-15); } g.drawString("X the distance B",this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()-15); } private void goWithAngleB(Graphics g) { double step = 0.1; TableBallCalculator tcc = new TableBallCalculator(); double aa = 5; double bb = 5; double _aa = 0; double _bb = 0; double[] angles = null; double oldX = 0; double oldY = 0; int multiply = 20; System.out.println("this.getHeight() : "+this.getHeight()); // 以横坐标为角度, 纵坐标为 最佳偏角 while (_bb <= 80) { angles = tcc.getAngles(aa, bb, _aa, _bb); double best = angles[1]; Point point = new Point((int)(_bb*multiply),(int)(best*multiply)); // g.drawOval(point.x, point.y, 2, 2); g.drawLine((int)(oldX*multiply)+30,this.getHeight()-30-(int)(oldY*multiply), (int)(_bb*multiply) +30,this.getHeight()-30-(int)(best*multiply)); g.drawLine((int)(oldX*multiply)+30,this.getHeight()-30-(int)(_bb*180/best/Math.PI), (int)(_bb*multiply) +30,this.getHeight()-30-(int)((_bb*180/best/Math.PI))); oldX = _bb; oldY = best; _bb = _bb +0.1; //System.out.println("(_bb/best):==" + (_bb/best)); } for (int i = 1; i <= 80 ; i=i+2) { g.drawString(""+i,(int)(i*multiply)+30,this.getHeight()-15); } g.drawString("X the distance B",this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()-15); } }
个人认为,台球是很有技术含量的一种活动,对体力的要求不大。 远不像足球篮球。当然,这样比较没意思。乒乓球也是很有技术含量的。各有千秋。
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