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程序员文章站 2022-06-07 10:46:32






package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address;

 * 省份实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Province {
	private int provinceId;
	private String provinceName;

	public int getProvinceId() {
		return provinceId;

	public void setProvinceId(int provinceId) {
		this.provinceId = provinceId;

	public String getProvinceName() {
		return provinceName;

	public void setProvinceName(String provinceName) {
		this.provinceName = provinceName;

	public String toString() {
		return "Province [provinceId=" + provinceId + ", provinceName=" + provinceName + "]";


package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address;

 * 城市实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class City {
	private int cityId;
	private String cityName;

	public int getCityId() {
		return cityId;

	public void setCityId(int cityId) {
		this.cityId = cityId;

	public String getCityName() {
		return cityName;

	public void setCityName(String cityName) {
		this.cityName = cityName;

	public String toString() {
		return "City [cityId=" + cityId + ", cityName=" + cityName + "]";



package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address;

 * 区域实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Area {
	private int areaId;
	private String areaName;

	public int getAreaId() {
		return areaId;

	public void setAreaId(int areaId) {
		this.areaId = areaId;

	public String getAreaName() {
		return areaName;

	public void setAreaName(String areaName) {
		this.areaName = areaName;

	public String toString() {
		return "Area [areaId=" + areaId + ", areaName=" + areaName + "]";


package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address;

 * 地址用途实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Purpose {
	public static final int PURPOSE_LEGAL = 1;
	public static final int PURPOSE_BILLTO = 2;
	public static final int PURPOSE_SHIPTO = 3;
	public static final int PURPOSE_DUNNING = 4;
	private int purposeId;
	private String purposeName;

	public int getPurposeId() {
		return purposeId;

	public void setPurposeId(int purposeId) {
		this.purposeId = purposeId;

	public String getPurposeName() {
		return purposeName;

	public void setPurposeName(String purposeName) {
		this.purposeName = purposeName;

	public String toString() {
		return "Purpose [purposeId=" + purposeId + ", purposeName=" + purposeName + "]";



package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address;

import com.emerson.etao.entity.BaseEntity;

 * 地址实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Address extends BaseEntity {
	private int addressId;
	private Province province;
	private City city;
	private Area area;
	private String street;
	private String zipCode;
	private String contactPerson;
	private String tel;
	private String fax;
	private String cellPhone;
	private String email;

	public int getAddressId() {
		return addressId;

	public void setAddressId(int addressId) {
		this.addressId = addressId;

	public Province getProvince() {
		return province;

	public void setProvince(Province province) {
		this.province = province;

	public City getCity() {
		return city;

	public void setCity(City city) {
		this.city = city;

	public Area getArea() {
		return area;

	public void setArea(Area area) {
		this.area = area;

	public String getStreet() {
		return street;

	public void setStreet(String street) {
		this.street = street;

	public String getZipCode() {
		return zipCode;

	public void setZipCode(String zipCode) {
		this.zipCode = zipCode;

	public String getContactPerson() {
		return contactPerson;

	public void setContactPerson(String contactPerson) {
		this.contactPerson = contactPerson;

	public String getTel() {
		return tel;

	public void setTel(String tel) {
		this.tel = tel;

	public String getFax() {
		return fax;

	public void setFax(String fax) {
		this.fax = fax;

	public String getCellPhone() {
		return cellPhone;

	public void setCellPhone(String cellPhone) {
		this.cellPhone = cellPhone;

	public String getEmail() {
		return email;

	public void setEmail(String email) {
		this.email = email;
	public String toDisplayString() {
		String result = province.getProvinceName() + ", " + city.getCityName() + ", " + area.getAreaName() + ", " +
	     this.street + ", " + this.zipCode + ", " + this.contactPerson;
		if ((this.tel != null) && !("".equals(this.tel))) {
			result += ", " + this.tel;
		else if ((this.cellPhone != null) && !("".equals(this.cellPhone))) {
			result += ", " + this.cellPhone;
		return result;

	public String toString() {
		return "Address [addressId=" + addressId + ", province=" + province + ", city=" + city + ", area=" + area
				+ ", street=" + street + ", zipCode=" + zipCode + ", contactPerson=" + contactPerson + ", tel=" + tel
				+ ", fax=" + fax + ", cellPhone=" + cellPhone + ", email=" + email + ", isValid=" + isValid
				+ ", createdTime=" + createdTime + ", updateTime=" + updateTime + "]";



package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer;

import com.emerson.etao.entity.BaseEntity;

 * 客户Party实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Party extends BaseEntity {
	private int partyId;

	private String partyName;

	private String country;

	private String area;

	public int getPartyId() {
		return partyId;

	public void setPartyId(int partyId) {
		this.partyId = partyId;

	public String getPartyName() {
		return partyName;

	public void setPartyName(String partyName) {
		this.partyName = partyName;

	public String getCountry() {
		return country;

	public void setCountry(String country) {
		this.country = country;

	public String getArea() {
		return area;

	public void setArea(String area) {
		this.area = area;

	public String toString() {
		return "Party [partyId=" + partyId + ", partyName=" + partyName + ", country=" + country + ", area=" + area
				+ ", isValid=" + isValid + ", createdTime=" + createdTime + ", updateTime=" + updateTime + "]";


package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer;

import com.emerson.etao.entity.BaseEntity;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.Plant;

 * 客户代码实体类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Code extends BaseEntity {
	private int codeId;
	private String customerCode;
	private Party party;
	private Plant plant;
	public int getCodeId() {
		return codeId;

	public void setCodeId(int codeId) {
		this.codeId = codeId;

	public String getCustomerCode() {
		return customerCode;

	public void setCustomerCode(String customerCode) {
		this.customerCode = customerCode;

	public Plant getPlant() {
		return plant;

	public void setPlant(Plant plant) {
		this.plant = plant;

	public Party getParty() {
		return party;

	public void setParty(Party party) {
		this.party = party;

	public String toString() {
		return "Code [codeId=" + codeId + ", customerCode=" + customerCode + ", party=" + party + ", plant=" + plant + ", isValid=" + isValid + ", createdTime=" + createdTime
				+ ", updateTime=" + updateTime + "]";


package com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer;

import com.emerson.etao.entity.BaseEntity;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Purpose;

 * 客户位置实体类
 * 地址 + 用途,构成客户位置
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class Location extends BaseEntity {

	private int locationId;
	private int codeId;

	private Address address;

	private Purpose purpose;

	public int getLocationId() {
		return locationId;

	public void setLocationId(int locationId) {
		this.locationId = locationId;

	public int getCodeId() {
		return codeId;

	public void setCodeId(int codeId) {
		this.codeId = codeId;

	public Address getAddress() {
		return address;

	public void setAddress(Address address) {
		this.address = address;

	public Purpose getPurpose() {
		return purpose;

	public void setPurpose(Purpose purpose) {
		this.purpose = purpose;
	public String toDisplayString() {
		return this.purpose.getPurposeName() + ": " + this.address.toDisplayString();

	public String toString() {
		return "Location [locationId=" + locationId + ", address=" + address + ", purpose=" + purpose + "]";







package com.emerson.etao.dao.base.address;

import java.util.List;

import com.emerson.etao.dao.IBaseDao;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Area;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.City;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Province;

 * 地址DAO接口
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public interface IAddressDao extends IBaseDao<Address> {
	 * 获取省份列表
	 * @return
	public List<Province> getProvinceList();
	 * 获取指定省份的城市列表
	 * @param provinceId
	 * @return
	public List<City> getCityList(int provinceId);
	 * 获取指定城市的地区列表
	 * @param cityId
	 * @return
	public List<Area> getAreaList(int cityId);




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" 

<mapper namespace="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.address.IAddressDao">
	<sql id="selectColumns">
		address_id, province_id, province_name, city_id, city_name,
		area_id, street, zip_code, contact_person, tel, fax, cell_phone,
		email, is_valid, created_time, update_time

	<sql id="insertColumns">
		province_id, city_id, area_id, street, zip_code,
		contact_person, tel, fax, cell_phone, email, is_valid,

	<!-- 省份映射关系 -->
	<resultMap id="provinceResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Province">
		<id property="provinceId" column="province_id" />
		<result property="provinceName" column="province_name" />

	<!-- 城市映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="cityResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.City">
		<id property="cityId" column="city_id" />
		<result property="cityName" column="city_name" />

	<!-- 地区映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="areaResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Area">
		<id property="areaId" column="area_id" />
		<result property="areaName" column="area_name" />

	<!-- 地址映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="addressResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address">
		<id property="addressId" column="address_id" />
		<result property="street" column="street" />
		<result property="zipCode" column="zip_code" />
		<result property="contactPerson" column="contact_person" />
		<result property="fax" column="fax" />
		<result property="tel" column="tel" />
		<result property="cellPhone" column="cell_phone" />
		<result property="email" column="email" />
		<result property="isValid" column="is_valid" />
		<result property="createdTime" column="created_time" />
		<result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />
		<association property="province" column="province_id"
			resultMap="provinceResultMap" />
		<association property="city" column="city_id" resultMap="cityResultMap" />
		<association property="area" column="area_id" resultMap="areaResultMap" />

	<!-- 地址用途映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="purposeResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Purpose">
		<id property="purposeId" column="purpose_id" />
		<result property="purposeName" column="purpose_name" />

	<!-- 按Id值查询地址 -->
    <select id="getById" parameterType="int" resultMap="addressResultMap">
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_address WHERE address_id = #{id}

	<!-- 获取所有地址 -->
    <select id="getAll" resultMap="addressResultMap">
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_address ORDER BY province_id, city_id, area_id

	<!-- 查询省份列表 -->
	<select id="getProvinceList" resultType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Province">
		SELECT province_id,
		province_name, is_valid, created_time, update_time FROM
		ORDER BY province_name

	<!-- 查询指定省份下的城市列表 -->
	<select id="getCityList" parameterType="int"
		SELECT city_id, city_name, is_valid, created_time,
		update_time FROM
		addr_city WHERE province_id = #{id} ORDER BY city_name

	<!-- 查询指定城市下的地区列表 -->
	<select id="getAreaList" parameterType="int"
		SELECT area_id, area_name, is_valid, created_time,
		update_time FROM
		addr_area WHERE city_id = #{id} ORDER BY area_name

	  address_id, province_id, province_name, city_id, city_name, area_id, 
	  area_name, street, zip_code, contact_person, tel, fax, cell_phone, email
    <select id="find" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address"
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_address
			<if test="addressId != 0">AND address_id = #{addressId}</if>
			<if test="province != null and province.provinceId != 0">AND province_id = #{province.provinceId}</if>
			<if test="province != null and province.provinceName != null">AND province_name LIKE CONCAT('%',
				#{province.provinceName}, '%')</if>
			<if test="city != null and city.cityId != 0">AND city_id = #{city.cityId}</if>
			<if test="city != null and city.cityName != null">AND city_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{city.cityName}, '%')
			<if test="area != null and area.areaId != 0">AND area_id = #{area.areaId}</if>
			<if test="area != null and area.areaName != null">AND area_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{area.areaName}, '%')
			<if test="street != null">AND street LIKE CONCAT('%', #{street}, '%')</if>
			<if test="zipCode != null">AND zip_code LIKE CONCAT('%', #{zipCode}, '%')</if>
			<if test="contactPerson != null">AND contact_person LIKE CONCAT('%', #{contactPerson},
			<if test="tel != null">AND tel LIKE CONCAT('%', #{tel}, '%')</if>
			<if test="fax != null">AND fax LIKE CONCAT('%', #{fax}, '%')</if>
			<if test="cellPhone != null">AND cell_phone LIKE CONCAT('%', #{cellPhone}, '%')</if>
			<if test="email != null">AND email LIKE CONCAT('%', #{email}, '%')</if>
		ORDER BY province_id, city_id, area_id

	<!-- 插入数据并返回主键值,注意,这里的KeyProperty应该是Java类里的属性名称,而非数据表中的字段名 -->
	<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address"
		useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="addressId">
		INSERT INTO address(
		<include refid="insertColumns"></include>
		VALUES(#{province.provinceId}, #{city.cityId}, #{area.areaId},
		#{street}, #{zipCode}, #{contactPerson}, #{tel}, #{fax},
		#{email}, #{isValid}, #{createdTime})

	<!-- 批量新增 -->
	<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List">
		INSERT INTO address(
		<include refid="insertColumns"></include>
		<foreach collection="list" item="addr" separator=",">
			(#{addr.province.provinceId}, #{addr.city.cityId},
			#{addr.area.areaId}, #{addr.street}, #{addr.zip_code},
			#{addr.contactPerson}, #{addr.tel}, #{addr.fax}, #{addr.cellPhone},
			#{addr.email}, #{addr.isValid}, #{addr.createdTime})

	<!-- 更新数据 -->
	<update id="update" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address">
		UPDATE address
			<if test="province != null and province.provinceId != 0">province_id = #{province.provinceId},</if>
			<if test="city != null and city.cityId != 0">city_id = #{city.cityId},</if>
			<if test="area != null and area.areaId != 0">area_id = #{area.areaId},</if>
			<if test="street != null">street = #{street},</if>
			<if test="zipCode != null">zip_code = #{zipCode},</if>
			<if test="contactPerson != null">contact_person = #{contactPerson},</if>
			<if test="tel != null">tel = #{tel},</if>
			<if test="fax != null">fax = #{fax},</if>
			<if test="cellPhone != null">cell_phone = #{cellPhone},</if>
			<if test="email != null">email = #{email}</if>
		WHERE address_id = #{addressId}

	<!-- 根据传入的Id值,删除单条记录 -->
	<delete id="delete" parameterType="int">
		UPDATE address SET is_valid =
		0 WHERE address_id = #{id}

	<!-- 根据传入的Id值列表,删除多条记录 -->
	<delete id="batchDelete" parameterType="java.util.List">
		UPDATE address SET is_valid = 0 WHERE address_id in
		<foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="("
			close=")" separator=",">
这里着重讲解一下id为find的select元素的写法。这是一个查询方法,把查询条件封装成一个实体类对象,然后根据其属性值,动态生成SQL查询语句。Address对象中又嵌套有Province / City / Arae三个子对象,所以要创建查询语句时,在引用其属性值之前,一定要判断其是否为null值,否则有可能会得到空引用的错误
	  address_id, province_id, province_name, city_id, city_name, area_id, 
	  area_name, street, zip_code, contact_person, tel, fax, cell_phone, email
    <select id="find" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address"
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_address
			<if test="addressId != 0">AND address_id = #{addressId}</if>
			<if test="province != null and province.provinceId != 0">AND province_id = #{province.provinceId}</if>
			<if test="province != null and province.provinceName != null">AND province_name LIKE CONCAT('%',
				#{province.provinceName}, '%')</if>
			<if test="city != null and city.cityId != 0">AND city_id = #{city.cityId}</if>
			<if test="city != null and city.cityName != null">AND city_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{city.cityName}, '%')
			<if test="area != null and area.areaId != 0">AND area_id = #{area.areaId}</if>
			<if test="area != null and area.areaName != null">AND area_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{area.areaName}, '%')
			<if test="street != null">AND street LIKE CONCAT('%', #{street}, '%')</if>
			<if test="zipCode != null">AND zip_code LIKE CONCAT('%', #{zipCode}, '%')</if>
			<if test="contactPerson != null">AND contact_person LIKE CONCAT('%', #{contactPerson},
			<if test="tel != null">AND tel LIKE CONCAT('%', #{tel}, '%')</if>
			<if test="fax != null">AND fax LIKE CONCAT('%', #{fax}, '%')</if>
			<if test="cellPhone != null">AND cell_phone LIKE CONCAT('%', #{cellPhone}, '%')</if>
			<if test="email != null">AND email LIKE CONCAT('%', #{email}, '%')</if>
		ORDER BY province_id, city_id, area_id

在映射文件中除了用到了select / insert / update / delete 元素,还使用到了创建动态SQL的where / set / if元素,以及foreach,小伙伴可以慢慢体会这些元素的使用方法。




package com.emerson.etao.service.base.address;

import java.util.List;

import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Area;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.City;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Province;
import com.emerson.etao.service.IBaseService;

 * 客户地址服务层接口
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public interface IAddressService extends IBaseService<Address> {
	 * 获取省份列表
	 * @return
	public List<Province> getProvinceList();
	 * 获取指定省份的城市列表
	 * @param provinceId
	 * @return
	public List<City> getCityList(int provinceId);
	 * 获取指定城市的地区列表
	 * @param cityId
	 * @return
	public List<Area> getAreaList(int cityId);



package com.emerson.etao.service.impl.base.address;

import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.emerson.etao.dao.IBaseDao;
import com.emerson.etao.dao.base.address.IAddressDao;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Address;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Area;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.City;
import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.Province;
import com.emerson.etao.service.base.address.IAddressService;
import com.emerson.etao.service.impl.BaseServiceImpl;

 * 地址服务接口
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class AddressServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl<Address> implements IAddressService {

	private IAddressDao dao;

	protected IBaseDao<Address> getBaseDao() {
		return this.dao;
	public List<Province> getProvinceList() {
		return this.dao.getProvinceList();
	public List<City> getCityList(int provinceId) {
		return this.dao.getCityList(provinceId);
	public List<Area> getAreaList(int cityId) {
		return this.dao.getAreaList(cityId);




package com.emerson.etao.service.address;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.util.List;

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;

import com.emerson.etao.entity.base.address.*;
import com.emerson.etao.service.base.address.IAddressService;

 * 地址服务测试类
 * @author Chris Mao(Zibing)
public class AddressServiceTest {

	private static IAddressService addressService;
	public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
		ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("root-context-test.xml");
		addressService = (IAddressService) ac.getBean("addressService");

	public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
		addressService = null;

	public void testGetById() {
		System.out.println("testGetById start...");
		Address address = addressService.getById(1);
		System.out.println("testGetById end...");

	public void testGetAll() {
		System.out.println("testGetAll start...");
		List<Address> list = addressService.getAll(0);
		System.out.println("testGetAll end...");
	public void testFind() {
		System.out.println("testFind start...");
		Address address = new Address();
		List<Address> list = addressService.find(address);
		assertEquals(1, list.size());
		address.setProvince(new Province());
		list = addressService.find(address);
		assertEquals(1, list.size());
		System.out.println("testFind end...");

	public void testInsert() {
		System.out.println("testInsert start...");
		Address address = new Address();
		Province province = new Province();
		City city = new City();
		Area area = new Area();
		System.out.println("testInsert end...");
	public void testBatchInsert() {
		System.out.println("testBatchInsert start...");
		System.out.println("testBatchInsert end...");

	public void testUpdate() {
		System.out.println("testUpdate start...");
		Address address = addressService.getById(1);
		int effectedRows = addressService.update(address);
		assertEquals(1, effectedRows);
		System.out.println("testUpdate end...");

	public void testDelete() {
		System.out.println("testDelete start...");
		int effectedRows = addressService.delete(1);
		assertEquals(1, effectedRows);
		System.out.println("testDelete end...");
	public void testBatchDelete() {
		System.out.println("testBatchDelete start...");
		System.out.println("testBatchDelete end...");

	public void testGetProvinceList() {
		System.out.println("testGetProvinceList start...");
		List<Province> list = addressService.getProvinceList();
		assertEquals(34, list.size());
		System.out.println("testGetProvinceList end...");

	public void testGetCityList() {
		System.out.println("testGetCityList start...");
		List<City> list = addressService.getCityList(12); // Jiangsu
		assertEquals(13, list.size());
		System.out.println("testGetCityList end...");

	public void testGetAreaList() {
		System.out.println("testGetAreaList start...");
		List<Area> list = addressService.getAreaList(113); // Suzhou
		assertEquals(13, list.size());
		System.out.println("testGetAreaList end...");


Plant / Party / Code其实现步骤和Address类一样,也是要经过定义Dao接口、编写映射文件、定义服务层接口并实现其功能,以及单元测试这样四步。本文重点放在了映射文件的编写上,所以,这里就仅贴出其他类的映射文件内容,有兴趣的小伙伴也可以试着自己完成接口部分和测试部分的编写。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" 

<mapper namespace="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.IPlantDao">
    <sql id="selectColumns">
        plant_id, plant_code, plant_name, is_valid, created_time, update_time

    <sql id="insertColumns">
        plant_code, plant_name, is_valid, created_time

    <select id="getById" parameterType="int" resultType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.Plant">
        <include refid="selectColumns"></include>
        FROM plant WHERE plant_id = #{id}

    <select id="getAll" resultType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.Plant">
        <include refid="selectColumns"></include>
        FROM plant ORDER BY plant_id

    <!-- 插入数据并返回主键值,注意,这里的KeyProperty应该是Java类里的属性名称,而非数据表中的字段名 -->
    <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.Plant" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="plantId">
        INSERT INTO plant(<include refid="insertColumns"></include>)
        VALUES(#{plantCode}, #{plantName}, #{isValid}, #{createdTime})

    <!-- 批量新增 -->
    <insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List">
        INSERT INTO plant(<include refid="insertColumns"></include>) VALUES
        <foreach collection="list" item="p" separator=",">
            (#{p.plantCode}, #{p.plantName}, #{p.isValid}, #{p.createdTime})

    <!-- 更新数据 -->
    <update id="update" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.Plant">
        UPDATE plant
        WHERE plant_id = #{plantId}

    <!-- 根据传入的Id值,删除单条记录 -->
    <delete id="delete" parameterType="int">
        UPDATE plant SET is_valid = 0 WHERE plant_id = #{id}

    <!-- 根据传入的Id值列表,删除多条记录 -->
    <delete id="batchDelete" parameterType="java.util.List">
        UPDATE plant SET is_valid = 0 WHERE plant_id in
        <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="("
            close=")" separator=",">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" 

<mapper namespace="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.customer.IPartyDao">
	<sql id="selectColumns">
		party_id, party_name, country, area, is_valid,
		created_time, update_time

	<sql id="insertColumns">
		party_name, country, area, is_valid, created_time

	<select id="getById" parameterType="int"
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM customer_party WHERE party_id = #{id}

	<select id="getAll" resultType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Party">
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM customer_party ORDER BY party_id

	<select id="find" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Party"
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM customer_party
			<if test="partyName != null">party_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{partyName}, '%')</if>
			<if test="country != null">OR country LIKE CONCAT('%', #{country}, '%')</if>
			<if test="area != null">OR area LIKE CONCAT('%', #{area}, '%')</if>
			<if test="isValid != null">AND is_valid = #{isValid}</if>

	<select id="getAllCode" parameterType="int"
	    SELECT <include refid="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.customer.ICodeDao.selectColumns"></include>
	    FROM vw_customer_code WHERE party_id = #{id}
        ORDER BY party_id, customer_code

	<!-- 插入数据并返回主键值,注意,这里的KeyProperty应该是Java类里的属性名称,而非数据表中的字段名 -->
	<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Party"
		useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="partyId">
		INSERT INTO customer_party(
		<include refid="insertColumns"></include>
		VALUES(#{partyName}, #{country}, #{area}, #{isValid}, #{createdTime})

	<!-- 批量新增 -->
	<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List">
		INSERT INTO customer_party(
		<include refid="insertColumns"></include>
		<foreach collection="list" item="party" separator=",">
			(#{party.partyName}, #{party.country}, #{party.area},
			#{party.isValid}, #{party.createdTime})

	<!-- 更新数据 -->
	<update id="update" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Party">
		UPDATE customer_party
			<if test="partyName != null">party_name = #{partyName},</if>
			<if test="country != null">country = #{country},</if>
			<if test="area != null">area = #{area},</if>
			<if test="isValid != null">is_valid = #{isValid},</if>
		WHERE party_id = #{partyId}

	<!-- 根据传入的Id值,删除单条记录 -->
	<delete id="delete" parameterType="int">
		UPDATE customer_party SET
		is_valid = 0
		WHERE party_id = #{id}

	<!-- 根据传入的Id值列表,删除多条记录 -->
	<delete id="batchDelete" parameterType="java.util.List">
		UPDATE customer_party SET is_valid = 0 WHERE party_id in
		<foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="("
			close=")" separator=",">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" 

<mapper namespace="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.customer.ICodeDao">
	<sql id="selectColumns">
		code_id ,customer_code, plant_id, party_id,
		is_valid, created_time, update_time,
		plant_code, plant_name,
		plant_is_valid, plant_created_time,
		party_name, country, area, party_is_valid,
		party_created_time, party_update_time

	<sql id="insertColumns">
		customer_code, plant_id, party_id, is_valid, created_time

	<!-- 工厂映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="plantResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.Plant">
		<id property="plantId" column="plant_id" />
		<result property="plantCode" column="plant_code" />
		<result property="plantName" column="plant_name" />
		<result property="isValid" column="plant_is_valid" />
		<result property="createdTime" column="plant_created_time" />
		<result property="updateTime" column="plant_update_time" />

	<!-- 客户Party映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="partyResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Party">
		<id property="partyId" column="party_id" />
		<result property="partyName" column="party_name" />
		<result property="country" column="country" />
		<result property="area" column="area" />
		<result property="isValid" column="party_is_valid" />
		<result property="createdTime" column="party_created_time" />
		<result property="updateTime" column="party_update_time" />

	<!-- 客户代码映射关系 -->
    <resultMap id="codeResultMap" type="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Code">
		<id property="codeId" column="code_id" />
		<result property="customerCode" column="customer_code" />
		<result property="isValid" column="is_valid" />
		<result property="createdTime" column="created_time" />
		<result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />
		<association property="party" column="party_id" resultMap="partyResultMap"></association>
		<association property="plant" column="plant_id" resultMap="plantResultMap"></association>

	<!-- 客户地点映射关系,包含地址和用途 -->
    <resultMap id="locationResultMap"
		<id property="locationId" column="location_id" />
		<result property="codeId" column="code_id" />
		<result property="isValid" column="is_valid" />
		<result property="createdTime" column="created_time" />
		<result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />
		<association property="address" column="address_id"
			resultMap="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.address.IAddressDao.addressResultMap" />
		<association property="purpose" column="purpose_id"
			resultMap="com.emerson.etao.dao.base.address.IAddressDao.purposeResultMap" />

	<!-- 按Id值查询客户代码 -->
    <select id="getById" parameterType="int" resultMap="codeResultMap">
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_customer_code WHERE code_id = #{id}

	<!-- 获取所有客户代码 -->
    <select id="getAll" resultMap="codeResultMap">
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_customer_code ORDER BY customer_code

	  customer_code, plant_id, plant_code, party_id, party_name,
	  deliverty_type_id, shippint_term_id, payment_term_id, rebate_allowed,
	  credit_allowed, sp_allowed
    <select id="find" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Code"
		<include refid="selectColumns"></include>
		FROM vw_customer_code
			<if test="customerCode != null">customer_code LIKE CONCAT('%', #{customerCode}, '%')</if>
			<if test="plant != null and plant.plantId != 0">AND plant_id = #{plant.plantId}</if>
			<if test="plant != null and plant.plantCode != null">AND plant_code LIKE CONCAT('%', #{plant.plantCode}, '%')
			<if test="party != null and party.partyId != 0">AND party_id = #{party.partyId}</if>
			<if test="party != null and party.partyName != null">AND party_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{party.partyName}, '%')
		ORDER BY customer_code

	  location_id, code_id, purpose_id, purpose_name
	<select id="findLocation" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Location"
		SELECT location_id, address_id, code_id, purpose_id, purpose_name,
        province_id, province_name, city_id, city_name, area_id, area_name,
        street, zip_code, contact_person, tel, fax, cell_phone, email,
        is_valid, created_time, update_time
        FROM vw_customer_location
            <if test="locationId != 0">AND location_id = #{locationId}</if>
            <if test="codeId != 0">AND code_id = #{codeId}</if>
            <if test="purpose != null and purpose.purposeId != 0">AND purpose_id = #{purpose.purposeId}</if>
            <if test="purpose != null and purpose.purposeName != null">AND purpose_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{purpose.purposeName}, '%')</if>

	<!-- 插入数据并返回主键值,注意,这里的KeyProperty应该是Java类里的属性名称,而非数据表中的字段名 -->
	<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Code"
		useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="codeId">
		INSERT INTO customer_code(
		<include refid="insertColumns"></include>
		VALUES(#{customerCode}, #{plant.plantId}, #{party.partyId},
		#{isValid}, #{createdTime})

	<!-- 批量新增 -->
	<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List">
		INSERT INTO customer_code(
		<include refid="insertColumns"></include>
		<foreach collection="list" item="c" separator=",">
			(#{c.customerCode}, #{c.plant.plantId}, #{c.party.partyId},
			#{c.isValid}, #{c.createdTime})

    <insert id="createLocation" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Location"
		useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="locationId">
		INSERT INTO customer_location
		(code_id, address_id, purpose_id, is_valid, created_time)
		VALUES(#{codeId}, #{address.addressId}, #{purpose.purposeId},
		#{isValid}, #{createdTime})

	<!-- 更新数据 -->
	<update id="update" parameterType="com.emerson.etao.entity.base.customer.Code">
		UPDATE customer_code
			<if test="plant != null and plant.plantId != 0">plant_id = #{plant.plantId},</if>
			<if test="party != null and party.partyId != 0">party_id = #{party.partyId},</if>
		WHERE code_id = #{codeId}

	<!-- 根据传入的Id值,删除单条记录 -->
	<delete id="delete" parameterType="int">
		UPDATE customer_code SET
		is_valid = 0 WHERE code_id = #{id}

	<!-- 根据传入的Id值列表,删除多条记录 -->
	<delete id="batchDelete" parameterType="java.util.List">
		UPDATE customer_code SET is_valid = 0 WHERE id in
		<foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="("
			close=")" separator=",">

	<!-- 删除客户地点 -->
    <delete id="removeLocation" parameterType="int">
		DELETE FROM customer_location WHERE location_id = #{id}












Mybatis系列(九)Spring & Mybatis整合