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sql case

程序员文章站 2022-06-05 12:40:27
WITH buy_fruit AS
 (SELECT 'Sophia Liu' as name,
  9 as price ,'apple' as fruit
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Lisa Stelzner',  5,'pear'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Nikki Leith',  3  ,'banana'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Lauren Matthews', 11,'grape'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Lisa Stelzner',  20,'kiwi'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Nikki Leith',  12  ,'orange'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Lisa Stelzner',  2,'melon'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Lauren Matthews', 100,'cherry'

SELECT name, price, fruit ,
    WHEN price < 20 THEN 'the fruit is cheap'
    WHEN price<=50 THEN  'a little expansive'
    ELSE 'too expansive'
END AS comment
FROM buy_fruit ;
name price fruit comment
Sophia Liu 9 apple the fruit is cheap
Lisa Stelzner 5 pear the fruit is cheap
Nikki Leith 3 banana the fruit is cheap
Lauren Matthews 11 grape the fruit is cheap
Lisa Stelzner 20 kiwi a little expansive
Nikki Leith 12 orange the fruit is cheap
Lisa Stelzner 2 melon the fruit is cheap
Lauren Matthews 100 cherry too expansive
相关标签: sql