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.NET Framework未来版本将支持Mac

程序员文章站 2022-06-03 19:06:51

Paul Wilson,也就是.NET平台著名ORM解决方案WilsonORMapper的开发者,近日有发表一篇blog:Breaking News: Future Version of .NET Framework to Run on the Mac,透露说,.NET Framework未来版本将可在Mac系统上运行。

实际上这个消息,本来是来自Rory对Scott Guthrie的一次访谈,是从对WPF/E的讨论延伸开的。在访谈第九分钟:

Scott: And overtime we'll also support a managed programming language, uh framework, against WPF/E as well.  So in addition to using JavaScript, you'll be able to use C#, uh
Rory: You mean, even for the other?
Scott: Yeah even for the Safari and Mac(!!!).


Rory: Is there any possibility of eventually having a framework that runs outside the browser?
Scott: Yea, yea, that's definitely something we're looking at is, uh, kind of what we call the in-browser experience and kind of the out-of-browser experience.  And so that's something we'll talk more about at mix, uh
Rory: And that stuff's secret now? Cause I don't mean to bring up something that's secret.
Scott: No, no, well that's something, uh, that we haven't talked about publicly yet. But that's certainly a scenario we're thinking about.
Rory: Do I have to get that out of the video?
Scott: No, you can keep that.
Rory: I can keep that? Is this like the first time anyone's heard it?
Scott: Probably, yeah.


Apple的Mac操作系统OS X本是自Unix发展而来,若.NET Framework未来版本能支持Mac,则意味着Unix系列包括Linux届时都可承载.NET Framework平台。

.NET Framework已然是跨语言,而跨平台又指日可待,回顾之前与Novell的Linux版本合作等动作,Microsoft在倾听对岸社区的声音并积极融合的步伐在不断加快。

.NET Framework未来版本将支持Mac
    博客分类: 计算机与 Internet .netWPFLinuxSafariApple .NET Framework未来版本将支持Mac
    博客分类: 计算机与 Internet .netWPFLinuxSafariApple