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eclipse debug总结

程序员文章站 2022-06-03 16:22:12
2,eclipse debug
  Stack(generate a Frame for go into per method to debug in stack,其Frame的排列按调用的先后顺序排列,最后调用的排最前面),Evaluting variables,New Detail Formatter
2,advanced debug
  A:Skip all breakpoints(de-activate all breakpoints or activate all breakpoints)
  B:breakpoint perpoties:hitcount,conditional expression(return boolean:Execution will stop at the breakpoint, if the condition evaluates to true. )
  C:Watchpoint:(a breakpoint set on a field)
  D:Exception Breakpoint: You can define if you want to stop for caught and / or uncaught exceptions.
  E:Method Breakpoint : You can define if you want to stop the program before entering or after leaving the method.
  F:Class Load Breakpoint :Class Load Breakpoint will stop when the class is loaded. (equals to set breakpoint on line" Object xxx=new Object".)
  G:Step Filter :You can define which packages should be skipped in debugging.
3,Drop to frame
  Eclipse allows you to select any level (frame) in the call stack during debugging and set the JVM to restart from that point.
This allows you to rerun a part of your program. Be aware that variables which have been modified by code that already run will remain modified.
4,Hot Code Replacement(can't activate at main method)
first:should  enabled the option of Build automatically