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程序员文章站 2022-06-02 18:40:48
1:create table test2_01 as select sid, name
                        from pub.student
                         where sid not in (select distinct sid
                         from pub.student_course);
2:create table test2_02 as select pub.student.sid ,pub.student.name 
from pub.student,pub.student_course
where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid and pub.student_course.cid in(select cid
    from pub.student_course
     where sid='200900130417');
3:select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name
from pub.student,pub.student_course
where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid and
      pub.student_course.cid in(select cid
                                 from pub.course
                               where fcid='300002');
4:create table test2_04 as select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name
from pub.student,pub.student_course,pub.course
where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid and pub.student_course.cid=pub.course.cid and pub.course.name=('数据结构')intersect(select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name
from pub.student,pub.student_course,pub.course
where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid and pub.student_course.cid=pub.course.cid and pub.course.name=('操作系统'));
5:create table test2_05 as select s.sid,name,avg_score,sum_score from
(select sid,round(avg(score),0) avg_score,sum(score) sum_score from pub.student_course group by sid) sc,(select sid,name from pub.student where age=20) s where sc.sid=s.sid
6:create table test2_06 as select  cid,max(score) as max_score
from pub.student_course
group by cid
7:create table test2_07 as select sid, name
from pub.student
where name not like '王%'and name not like '李%'and name not like '张%';
8:create table test2_08 as select second_name,count(second_name)as p_count from (select substr(name,1,1) as second_name from pub.student) group by second_name
9:create table test2_09 as select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name,pub.student_course.score
from pub.student ,pub.student_course
where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid and pub.student_course.cid=
10:create table test2_10 as select sid ,cid
from pub.student_course
where score is not null;
