Every system admin horror is deleting files accidentally especially important and not backup ed configuration files. Here is how can we recover deleted files from Linux systems which is next situation if we skipped this step.
每个系统管理员的恐惧都会意外删除文件,这尤其重要,而不是备份的配置文件。 这是我们如何从Linux系统恢复已删除的文件,如果跳过此步骤,则是下一种情况。
删除文件前询问 (Ask Before Deleting Files)
rm is defacto tool to remove files from Linux system. We can set up a mechanism to ask before deleting files with a simple alias setup like below.
rm是事实上的工具,用于从Linux系统中删除文件。 我们可以设置一种机制,以在删除文件之前使用以下简单的别名设置进行询问。
$ echo 'alias rm=rm -i' >> .bashrc
This will add new alias for rm command with <strong>-i
登录并使用特权较少的用户/不要始终使用根 (Login and Use Less Privileged User /Do Not Use Root Always)
Using root user makes system administrator more powerful and less problematic but as you guess power without control will create problems. Use a less powerful user with sudo capability which is default in Ubuntu.
使用root用户可以使系统管理员更强大,并且问题更少,但是正如您所猜测的那样,没有控制权就会产生问题。 使用功能较弱的用户使用sudo功能,这在Ubuntu中是默认设置。
更改权限和所有者用户组 (Change Permissions and Owner User Group)
Keep permissions strict so do not give 777 to files as far as it is not needed.
We can change permission like
$ chmod 640 config.cfg
添加受保护的属性 (Add Protected Attribute)
Linux provides read-only attribute which can be given by root. This attribute will make the file read-only.
Linux提供了可由root赋予的只读属性。 此属性将文件设为只读。
$ sudo chattr +i pnggrad8rgb.png
翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/prevent-deleting-files-accidentially/
下一篇: 浅谈Vue-cli 命令行工具