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$.Callbacks API 比如:add | fire | fired | fireWith | has | disable | disabled | empty

程序员文章站 2022-05-30 14:18:27


$.Callbacks()详细信息,请参考:JQuery 的 Callbacks() 函数

jquery-3.3.1.js 版本的 Callbacks 主要有以下一些API.
$.Callbacks API 比如:add | fire | fired | fireWith | has | disable | disabled | empty


方法名 参数 描述
add(callbacks) 总有三种参数形式:
1. 单个函数参数
2. 多个函数参数
3. 数组参数
disable() 禁用回调列表中的回调
disabled() 回调列表是否被禁用,返回Boolean类型
empty() 从列表中删除所有的回调
fire(arguments) 传回给回调列表的参数或参数列表 依次执行列表中的所有函数
fireWith([context][,args]) context: 该列表中的回调被触发的上下文引用
args: 一个参数或参数列表传回给回调列表。
fired() 回调列表是否有执行过
has(callback) 需要判断的函数 判断函数队列中是否存在某个函数
lock() 锁定在其当前状态的回调列表
locked() 回调列表是否被锁
remove(callbacks) 需要删除的函数或函数数组 删除回调或回调列表的集合


1. 单个函数参数
var cb = $.Callbacks();

cb.add(function () {
    console.log('add one');

//Using anonymous function as parameter, and the same as bellow:
function add1() {
    console.log('add one');
2. 多个函数参数
var cb = $.Callbacks();

cb.add(function () {
    console.log('add one');
}, function () {
    console.log('add two');
3. 数组参数
var cb = $.Callbacks();

    function () {
        console.log('add one');
    }, function () {
        console.log('add two');

注意: 允许Add多个匿名函数

var cb = $.Callbacks();


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value ){
    console.log( value );

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the above function to the list
callbacks.add( foo );

// fire the items on the list
callbacks.fire( 'foo' ); // outputs: foo

// disable further calls being possible

// attempt to fire with 'foobar' as an argument
callbacks.fire( 'foobar' ); // foobar isn't output and return Callbacks itself.


var cb = $.Callbacks();

cb.add(function () {



// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value1, value2 ){
    console.log( 'foo:' + value1 + ',' + value2 );

// another function to also be added to the list
var bar = function( value1, value2 ){
    console.log( 'bar:' + value1 + ',' + value2 );

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the two functions
callbacks.add( foo );
callbacks.add( bar );

// empty the callbacks list

// check to ensure all callbacks have been removed
console.log( callbacks.has( foo ) ); // false
console.log( callbacks.has( bar ) ); // false


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value ){
    console.log( 'foo:' + value );

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the function 'foo' to the list
callbacks.add( foo );

// fire the items on the list
callbacks.fire( 'hello' ); // outputs: 'foo: hello'
callbacks.fire( 'world '); // outputs: 'foo: world'

// add another function to the list
var bar = function( value ){
    console.log( 'bar:' + value );

// add this function to the list
callbacks.add( bar );

// fire the items on the list again
callbacks.fire( 'hello again' );
// outputs:
// 'foo: hello again'
// 'bar: hello again'


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var log = function( value1, value2 ){
    console.log( 'Received:' + this[value1] + ',' + this[value2] );

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the log method to the callbacks list
callbacks.add( log );

// fire the callbacks on the list using the context 'a'
// and an arguments array

var a = {
    foo: 'foo-a',
    bar: 'bar-a'
var b = {
    foo: 'foo-b',
    bar: 'bar-b'
callbacks.fireWith( a, ['foo','bar']);
callbacks.fireWith( b, ['foo','bar']);

// outputs: Received:foo-a,bar-a
// outputs: Received:foo-b,bar-b


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value ){
    console.log( 'foo:' + value );

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the function 'foo' to the list
callbacks.add( foo );

// fire the items on the list
callbacks.fire( 'hello' ); // outputs: 'foo: hello'
callbacks.fire( 'world '); // outputs: 'foo: world'

// test to establish if the callbacks have been called
console.log( callbacks.fired() );


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value1, value2 ){
    console.log( 'Received:' + value1 + ',' + value2 );

// a second function which will not be added to the list
var bar = function( value1, value2 ){
    console.log( 'foobar');

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the log method to the callbacks list
callbacks.add( foo );

// determine which callbacks are in the list

console.log( callbacks.has( foo ) ); // true
console.log( callbacks.has( bar ) ); // false
  • 如果之前Add的是匿名函数,使用has方法是查不到的
var cb = $.Callbacks();
cb.has(function(){console.log(1)}); //false
  • has方法如果不传任何参数,表示判断当前Callbacks列表中是否存在函数
var cb = $.Callbacks();
cb.has(); //false
cb.has(); //true


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value ){
    console.log( 'foo:' + value);

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the logging function to the callback list
callbacks.add( foo );

// fire the items on the list, passing an argument
callbacks.fire( 'hello' );
// outputs 'foo: hello'

// lock the callbacks list

// try firing the items again
callbacks.fire( 'world' );

// as the list was locked, no items
// were called so 'world' isn't logged


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value ){
    console.log( 'foo:' + value);

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the logging function to the callback list
callbacks.add( foo );

// fire the items on the list, passing an argument
callbacks.fire( 'hello' );
// outputs 'foo: hello'

// lock the callbacks list

// test the lock-state of the list
console.log ( callbacks.locked() ); //true


// a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
var foo = function( value ){
    console.log( 'foo:' + value );

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

// add the function 'foo' to the list
callbacks.add( foo );

// fire the items on the list
callbacks.fire( 'hello' ); // outputs: 'foo: hello'

// remove 'foo' from the callback list
callbacks.remove( foo );

// fire the items on the list again
callbacks.fire( 'world' );  

// nothing output as 'foo' is no longer in the list/code>



Disable和Lock功能基本上是一样的,只有在$.Callbacks(‘memory’)使用了 memory参数时,略有一些不同。具体如下:
Disable是禁用所有功能,cb.locked() 和 cb.disbled() 都返回 true。
而 Lock 则有一点不同:在 cb 执行过一次 fire 后,再去lock(),这时,cb.locked() 返回 true,但 cb.disabled()返回 false,而且后面继续调用 cb.add(fn) 会立即执行当前的这个 fn 函数。