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程序员文章站 2022-03-09 12:05:19

az account list --output table
列表的形式显示azure 账户信息

Name                    CloudName    SubscriptionId                        State    IsDefault
----------------------  -----------  ------------------------------------  -------  -----------
Concierge Subscription  AzureCloud   548c659d-d1cf-4217-8082-70230840e278  Enabled  True**加粗样式**

az group list --output table

az resource list \
    --resource-group learn-975b74eb-53f7-44a7-bad6-acb882abe6d6 \
    --resource-type Microsoft.Web/sites
az webapp stop --resource-group learn-975b74eb-53f7-44a7-bad6-acb882abe6d6     --name cloudshell1246416760
az webapp start \
    --resource-group learn-975b74eb-53f7-44a7-bad6-acb882abe6d6 \
    --name <web app name>
1. What is Azure?

Microsoft's cloud computing platform, which provides compute power, storage, and services over the Internet using a pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Azure provides raw compute power and storage, as well as services to help you explore new software paradigms such as intelligent bots and mixed reality.

A single data center located in Redmond, Washington.

A hosting environment specifically for virtual machines
2. Which of the following is an example of an Azure application platform?

Azure App Service
Azure App Service is an HTTP-based service that enables you to build and host many types of web-based solutions without managing infrastructure.

Azure Load Balancer

Azure Table Storage

Azure Cache for Redis
3. When should you scale out your deployment?

When your application or service requires a more powerful CPU or more memory to run faster.

When you need additional virtual machines to speed up your application.
Scaling out means adding additional systems, such as virtual machines. For example, you might create many virtual machines configured in the same way and use a load balancer to distribute work across them.

When you're using excess capacity that you don't need.
相关标签: azure