2022-05-28 16:40:34
head = "搜索"
searchstring = request("searchstring")
head = "搜索"
searchstring = request("searchstring")
function unmappath( path )
unmappath = replace(mid(path, len(server.mappath("/")) + 1), "\", "/")
end function
function searchfile( f, s, title )
set fo = fs.opentextfile(f)
content = fo.readall'读全部文本到content
searchfile = instr(1, content, s, vbtextcompare) > 0 '从第一个字符开始检查content里面是否有s
if searchfile then'如果有,则提出文件title存入变量
pos1 = instr(1, content, "<title>", vbtextcompare)
pos2 = instr(1, content, "</title>", vbtextcompare)
title = ""
if pos1 > 0 and pos2 > 0 then'取title标记中间的字符
title = mid( content, pos1 + 7, pos2 - pos1 - 7 )
end if
end if
end function
function filelink( f, title )
vpath = unmappath( f.path )'取路径
if title = "" then title = f.name'做链接
filelink = "<a href=""" & vpath & """>" & title & "</a>"
filelink = "<ul>·" & filelink & "</ul>"
end function
sub searchfolder( fd, s )
found = false
for each f in fd.files
pos = instrrev(f.path, "." )
if pos > 0 then
ext = mid(f.path, pos + 1 )
ext = ""
end if
if lcase(ext) = "htm" then'显示扩展名字为htm的文件
if searchfile( f, s, title ) then
response.write filelink(f, title)
' response.write cstr(count)
end if
end if
for each sfd in fd.subfolders
searchfolder sfd, s
end sub
<meta http-equiv="content-type"
content="text/html; charset=gb_2312-80">
<meta name="generator" content="microsoft frontpage express 2.0">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<form action="search.asp" method="get">
<p>请输入欲搜索的内容: <input type="text"
size="20" name="searchstring" value="<%=searchstring%>"> <input
type="submit" value="搜索"> </p>
set fs = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set fd = fs.getfolder( server.mappath("/") ) '设置开始搜索的路径!
if searchstring <> "" then
response.write "<h2>搜索<font color=red>" & searchstring & "</font>结果如下:</h2><p>"
searchfolder fd,searchstring
end if
head = "搜索"
searchstring = request("searchstring")
function unmappath( path )
unmappath = replace(mid(path, len(server.mappath("/")) + 1), "\", "/")
end function
function searchfile( f, s, title )
set fo = fs.opentextfile(f)
content = fo.readall'读全部文本到content
searchfile = instr(1, content, s, vbtextcompare) > 0 '从第一个字符开始检查content里面是否有s
if searchfile then'如果有,则提出文件title存入变量
pos1 = instr(1, content, "<title>", vbtextcompare)
pos2 = instr(1, content, "</title>", vbtextcompare)
title = ""
if pos1 > 0 and pos2 > 0 then'取title标记中间的字符
title = mid( content, pos1 + 7, pos2 - pos1 - 7 )
end if
end if
end function
function filelink( f, title )
vpath = unmappath( f.path )'取路径
if title = "" then title = f.name'做链接
filelink = "<a href=""" & vpath & """>" & title & "</a>"
filelink = "<ul>·" & filelink & "</ul>"
end function
sub searchfolder( fd, s )
found = false
for each f in fd.files
pos = instrrev(f.path, "." )
if pos > 0 then
ext = mid(f.path, pos + 1 )
ext = ""
end if
if lcase(ext) = "htm" then'显示扩展名字为htm的文件
if searchfile( f, s, title ) then
response.write filelink(f, title)
' response.write cstr(count)
end if
end if
for each sfd in fd.subfolders
searchfolder sfd, s
end sub
<meta http-equiv="content-type"
content="text/html; charset=gb_2312-80">
<meta name="generator" content="microsoft frontpage express 2.0">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<form action="search.asp" method="get">
<p>请输入欲搜索的内容: <input type="text"
size="20" name="searchstring" value="<%=searchstring%>"> <input
type="submit" value="搜索"> </p>
set fs = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set fd = fs.getfolder( server.mappath("/") ) '设置开始搜索的路径!
if searchstring <> "" then
response.write "<h2>搜索<font color=red>" & searchstring & "</font>结果如下:</h2><p>"
searchfolder fd,searchstring
end if
上一篇: 汉朝公主在和亲途中创立的名族,塔吉克人是如何形成的?
下一篇: 朋友当初把自己年龄改大了几岁