使用scope 链接多个where条件
2022-05-25 18:36:21
scope :by_category, (lambda do |category_id| where(category_id: category_id) unless category_id.nil? end) scope :by_district, (lambda do |district_id| where(district_id: district_id) unless district_id.nil? end) #if district 是nil就会返回全部 Client.by_category(category).by_district(district)
class User scope :by_age, lambda do |age| joins(:profile).where('profile.age = ?', age) unless age.nil? end scope :by_name, lambda{ |name| where(name: name) unless name.nil? } scope :by_email, lambda do |email| joins(:profile).where('profile.email = ?', email) unless email.nil? end end
wheres = [:id, :email].map{|key| params.has_key?(key) ? {key => params[key]} : {} }\ .inject({}){|hash, injected| hash.merge!(injected)} @users = User.where(wheres).limit(10)
#user.rb scope :by_status, lambda { |status| where(:status => status) unless status.blank? } # If you need to execute a block of code you can use the following syntax scope :by_status, (lambda do |status| where(:active => status) unless status.blank? end) #Active users pry(main)> User.by_status(1) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`active` = 1 #Inactive users pry(main)> User.by_status(0) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`active` = 0 #All users pry(main)> User.by_status(nil) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users`
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