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程序员文章站 2022-05-24 21:30:09

getBoundingClientRect, part of the JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model), provides you with important pieces of data about an HTML element’s size and positioning.

getBoundingClientRectJavaScript DOM (文档对象模型)的一部分,为您提供有关HTML元素的大小和位置的重要数据。

使用getBoundingClientRect (Using getBoundingClientRect)

First, some simple markup:


<div id="foo">Hello World</div>

And now let’s call getBoundingClientRect on our #foo element:


// =>  {
//       top: Number,
//       left: Number,
//       right: Number,
//       bottom: Number,
//       x: Number,
//       y: Number,
//       width: Number,
//       height: Number,
//     }

getBoundingClientRect returns an object with several fields and gives you sufficient information to infer everything about an HTML Element’s size and positioning within a webpage.


Here’s an illustration describing what each of the fields mean:



There’s A LOT to chew on in this illustration. Take some time to let the info absorb!

在这个插图中有很多东西可以咀嚼。 花一些时间让信息吸收!

Since the x and y values are redundant with left and top (respectively) and some browsers actually omit supplying them… You can sorta pretend like they don’t exist ????. It’s generally advisable to avoid using them for these reasons.

由于xy值分别是lefttop冗余,并且某些浏览器实际上省略了提供这些值……您可以假装它们不存在????。 出于这些原因,通常建议避免使用它们。

Another thing to notice is that right/bottom aren’t quite what you may be accustomed to in CSS positioning (eg.: when positioning using position: absolute).

还要注意的另一件事是,在CSS定位中,您可能不习惯right / bottom (例如:当使用position:absolute定位时)。

学习运动 (Learning Exercise)

Let’s try applying our knowledge! Given the illustration below what would be the output of getBoundingClientRect()?

让我们尝试运用我们的知识! 鉴于下面的说明, getBoundingClientRect()的输出是什么?


  top: 450,
  left: 400,
  right: 825,
  bottom: 500,
  x: 400,  // "x" is always equal to "left"
  y: 450,  // "y" is always equal to "top"
  width: 425,
  height: 50

笔记 (Notes)

getBoundingClientRect provides a rich amount of data, however the downside is that it can be overwhelming if you haven’t used it before.


Here’s some tidbits to remember that’ll help you!


  • The bottom and right values in getBoundingClientRect are different than how it’s used in CSS positioning.


  • Some browsers won’t include x and y values so it’s advisable to avoid using on them.


  • Since getBoundingClientRect is relative to the viewport, you can add window.scrollY and window.scrollX values to the top and left fields (respectively) to get the HTML element’s position relative to the entire webpage.


浏览器兼容性 (Browser Compatibility)

getBoundingClientRect is reliably supported on all desktop and mobile browsers (with the exclusion of the x and y values which is unstable in IE/Edge and Safari)

所有台式机和移动浏览器均可靠地支持getBoundingClientRect (不包括xy值,在IE / Edge和Safari中不稳定)

规范 (Specification)

Read the official W3C CSS Object Model (CSSOM) View Module spec for detailed information about getBoundingClientRect.

阅读正式的W3C CSS对象模型(CSSOM)视图模块规范,以获得有关getBoundingClientRect详细信息。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/js-getboundingclientrect