2022-05-18 15:37:04
效果图 实现源码(已上传我的GitHub): "" 参考: "" 对于以上代码,我做 ......
import; import; import; import; import android.opengl.egl14; import android.opengl.eglconfig; import android.opengl.eglcontext; import android.opengl.egldisplay; import android.opengl.eglext; import android.opengl.eglsurface; import android.opengl.gles20; import android.os.environment; import android.test.androidtestcase; import android.util.log; import android.view.surface; import; import; import java.nio.bytebuffer; // wiki: // public class encodeandmuxtest extends androidtestcase { private static final string tag = encodeandmuxtest.class.getsimplename(); // 输出文件路径 private static final file my_output_dir = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(); // h.264编码 private static final string my_mime_type = "video/avc"; // 视频文件的宽高 private static final int my_video_width = 480; private static final int my_video_height = 480; // 视频码率 private static final int my_bit_rate = 800000; // 每秒钟15帧 private static final int my_fps = 15; // 总共30帧,每一秒15帧,所以30帧为2秒钟 private static final int num_frames = 30; // rgb color values for generated frames private static final int test_r0 = 0; private static final int test_g0 = 136; private static final int test_b0 = 0; // private static final int test_r1 = 236; private static final int test_g1 = 50; private static final int test_b1 = 186; // encoder / muxer state private mediacodec mencoder; // h.264 转 mp4 private mediamuxer mmuxer; private codecinputsurface minputsurface; private int mtrackindex; private boolean mmuxerstarted; // allocate one of these up front so we don't need to do it every time private mediacodec.bufferinfo mbufferinfo; /** * opengl绘制一个buffer,转成mp4,程序入口 */ public void testencodevideotomp4() { try { // 初始化encoder initvideoencoder(); // 设置 egldisplay dpy, eglsurface draw, eglsurface read, eglcontext ctx minputsurface.makecurrent(); // 共30帧 for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) { // mencoder从缓冲区取数据,然后交给mmuxer编码 drainencoder(false); // opengl绘制一帧 generatesurfaceframe(i); // 设置图像,发送给egl的显示时间 minputsurface.setpresentationtime(computepresentationtimensec(i)); // submit it to the encoder minputsurface.swapbuffers(); } // send end-of-stream to encoder, and drain remaining output drainencoder(true); } finally { // release encoder, muxer, and input surface releaseencoder(); } } /** * 初始化视频编码器 */ private void initvideoencoder() { // 创建一个buffer mbufferinfo = new mediacodec.bufferinfo(); //-----------------mediaformat----------------------- // mediacodec采用的是h.264编码 mediaformat format = mediaformat.createvideoformat(my_mime_type, my_video_width, my_video_height); // 数据来源自surface format.setinteger(mediaformat.key_color_format, mediacodecinfo.codeccapabilities.color_formatsurface); // 视频码率 format.setinteger(mediaformat.key_bit_rate, my_bit_rate); // fps format.setinteger(mediaformat.key_frame_rate, my_fps); //设置关键帧的时间 format.setinteger(mediaformat.key_i_frame_interval, 10); //-----------------encoder----------------------- try { mencoder = mediacodec.createencoderbytype(my_mime_type); mencoder.configure(format, null, null, mediacodec.configure_flag_encode); // 创建一个surface surface surface = mencoder.createinputsurface(); // 创建一个codecinputsurface,其中包含gl相关 minputsurface = new codecinputsurface(surface); // mencoder.start(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } //-----------------输出文件路径----------------------- // 输出文件路径 string outputpath = new file(my_output_dir, "test." + my_video_width + "x" + my_video_height + ".mp4").tostring(); //-----------------mediamuxer----------------------- try { // 输出为mp4 mmuxer = new mediamuxer(outputpath, mediamuxer.outputformat.muxer_output_mpeg_4); } catch (ioexception ioe) { throw new runtimeexception("mediamuxer creation failed", ioe); } mtrackindex = -1; mmuxerstarted = false; } /** * releases encoder resources. may be called after partial / failed initialization. * 释放资源 */ private void releaseencoder() { if (mencoder != null) { mencoder.stop(); mencoder.release(); mencoder = null; } if (minputsurface != null) { minputsurface.release(); minputsurface = null; } if (mmuxer != null) { mmuxer.stop(); mmuxer.release(); mmuxer = null; } } /** * mencoder从缓冲区取数据,然后交给mmuxer编码 * * @param endofstream 是否停止录制 */ private void drainencoder(boolean endofstream) { final int timeout_usec = 10000; // 停止录制 if (endofstream) { mencoder.signalendofinputstream(); } //拿到输出缓冲区,用于取到编码后的数据 bytebuffer[] encoderoutputbuffers = mencoder.getoutputbuffers(); while (true) { //拿到输出缓冲区的索引 int encoderstatus = mencoder.dequeueoutputbuffer(mbufferinfo, timeout_usec); if (encoderstatus == mediacodec.info_try_again_later) { // no output available yet if (!endofstream) { break; // out of while } else { } } else if (encoderstatus == mediacodec.info_output_buffers_changed) { //拿到输出缓冲区,用于取到编码后的数据 encoderoutputbuffers = mencoder.getoutputbuffers(); } else if (encoderstatus == mediacodec.info_output_format_changed) { // should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once if (mmuxerstarted) { throw new runtimeexception("format changed twice"); } // mediaformat newformat = mencoder.getoutputformat(); // now that we have the magic goodies, start the muxer mtrackindex = mmuxer.addtrack(newformat); // mmuxer.start(); mmuxerstarted = true; } else if (encoderstatus < 0) { } else { //获取解码后的数据 bytebuffer encodeddata = encoderoutputbuffers[encoderstatus]; if (encodeddata == null) { throw new runtimeexception("encoderoutputbuffer " + encoderstatus + " was null"); } // if ((mbufferinfo.flags & mediacodec.buffer_flag_codec_config) != 0) { mbufferinfo.size = 0; } // if (mbufferinfo.size != 0) { if (!mmuxerstarted) { throw new runtimeexception("muxer hasn't started"); } // adjust the bytebuffer values to match bufferinfo (not needed?) encodeddata.position(mbufferinfo.offset); encodeddata.limit(mbufferinfo.offset + mbufferinfo.size); // 编码 mmuxer.writesampledata(mtrackindex, encodeddata, mbufferinfo); } //释放资源 mencoder.releaseoutputbuffer(encoderstatus, false); if ((mbufferinfo.flags & mediacodec.buffer_flag_end_of_stream) != 0) { if (!endofstream) { log.w(tag, "reached end of stream unexpectedly"); } else { } break; // out of while } } } } /** * generates a frame of data using gl commands. we have an 8-frame animation * sequence that wraps around. it looks like this: * <pre> * 0 1 2 3 * 7 6 5 4 * </pre> * we draw one of the eight rectangles and leave the rest set to the clear color. */ private void generatesurfaceframe(int frameindex) { frameindex %= 8; int startx, starty; if (frameindex < 4) { // (0,0) is bottom-left in gl startx = frameindex * (my_video_width / 4); starty = my_video_height / 2; } else { startx = (7 - frameindex) * (my_video_width / 4); starty = 0; } gles20.glclearcolor(test_r0 / 255.0f, test_g0 / 255.0f, test_b0 / 255.0f, 1.0f); gles20.glclear(gles20.gl_color_buffer_bit); gles20.glenable(gles20.gl_scissor_test); gles20.glscissor(startx, starty, my_video_width / 4, my_video_height / 2); gles20.glclearcolor(test_r1 / 255.0f, test_g1 / 255.0f, test_b1 / 255.0f, 1.0f); gles20.glclear(gles20.gl_color_buffer_bit); gles20.gldisable(gles20.gl_scissor_test); } /** * generates the presentation time for frame n, in nanoseconds. * 好像是生成当前帧的时间,具体怎么计算的,不懂呀?????????????????????????? */ private static long computepresentationtimensec(int frameindex) { final long one_billion = 1000000000; return frameindex * one_billion / my_fps; } /** * holds state associated with a surface used for mediacodec encoder input. * <p> * the constructor takes a surface obtained from mediacodec.createinputsurface(), and uses that * to create an egl window surface. calls to eglswapbuffers() cause a frame of data to be sent * to the video encoder. * <p> * this object owns the surface -- releasing this will release the surface too. */ private static class codecinputsurface { private static final int egl_recordable_android = 0x3142; private egldisplay megldisplay = egl14.egl_no_display; private eglcontext meglcontext = egl14.egl_no_context; private eglsurface meglsurface = egl14.egl_no_surface; private surface msurface; /** * creates a codecinputsurface from a surface. */ public codecinputsurface(surface surface) { if (surface == null) { throw new nullpointerexception(); } msurface = surface; initegl(); } /** * 初始化egl */ private void initegl() { //--------------------megldisplay----------------------- // 获取egl display megldisplay = egl14.eglgetdisplay(egl14.egl_default_display); // 错误检查 if (megldisplay == egl14.egl_no_display) { throw new runtimeexception("unable to get egl14 display"); } // 初始化 int[] version = new int[2]; if (!egl14.eglinitialize(megldisplay, version, 0, version, 1)) { throw new runtimeexception("unable to initialize egl14"); } // configure egl for recording and opengl es 2.0. int[] attriblist = { egl14.egl_red_size, 8, egl14.egl_green_size, 8, egl14.egl_blue_size, 8, egl14.egl_alpha_size, 8, // egl14.egl_renderable_type, egl14.egl_opengl_es2_bit, // 录制android egl_recordable_android, 1, egl14.egl_none }; eglconfig[] configs = new eglconfig[1]; int[] numconfigs = new int[1]; // eglcreatecontext rgb888+recordable es2 egl14.eglchooseconfig(megldisplay, attriblist, 0, configs, 0, configs.length, numconfigs, 0); // configure context for opengl es 2.0. int[] attrib_list = { egl14.egl_context_client_version, 2, egl14.egl_none }; //--------------------meglcontext----------------------- // eglcreatecontext meglcontext = egl14.eglcreatecontext(megldisplay, configs[0], egl14.egl_no_context, attrib_list, 0); checkeglerror("eglcreatecontext"); //--------------------meglsurface----------------------- // 创建一个windowsurface并与surface进行绑定,这里的surface来自mencoder.createinputsurface(); // create a window surface, and attach it to the surface we received. int[] surfaceattribs = { egl14.egl_none }; // eglcreatewindowsurface meglsurface = egl14.eglcreatewindowsurface(megldisplay, configs[0], msurface, surfaceattribs, 0); checkeglerror("eglcreatewindowsurface"); } /** * discards all resources held by this class, notably the egl context. also releases the * surface that was passed to our constructor. * 释放资源 */ public void release() { if (megldisplay != egl14.egl_no_display) { egl14.eglmakecurrent(megldisplay, egl14.egl_no_surface, egl14.egl_no_surface, egl14.egl_no_context); egl14.egldestroysurface(megldisplay, meglsurface); egl14.egldestroycontext(megldisplay, meglcontext); egl14.eglreleasethread(); egl14.eglterminate(megldisplay); } msurface.release(); megldisplay = egl14.egl_no_display; meglcontext = egl14.egl_no_context; meglsurface = egl14.egl_no_surface; msurface = null; } /** * makes our egl context and surface current. * 设置 egldisplay dpy, eglsurface draw, eglsurface read, eglcontext ctx */ public void makecurrent() { egl14.eglmakecurrent(megldisplay, meglsurface, meglsurface, meglcontext); checkeglerror("eglmakecurrent"); } /** * calls eglswapbuffers. use this to "publish" the current frame. * 用该方法,发送当前frame */ public boolean swapbuffers() { boolean result = egl14.eglswapbuffers(megldisplay, meglsurface); checkeglerror("eglswapbuffers"); return result; } /** * sends the presentation time stamp to egl. time is expressed in nanoseconds. * 设置图像,发送给egl的时间间隔 */ public void setpresentationtime(long nsecs) { // 设置发动给egl的时间间隔 eglext.eglpresentationtimeandroid(megldisplay, meglsurface, nsecs); checkeglerror("eglpresentationtimeandroid"); } /** * checks for egl errors. throws an exception if one is found. * 检查错误,代码可以忽略 */ private void checkeglerror(string msg) { int error; if ((error = egl14.eglgeterror()) != egl14.egl_success) { throw new runtimeexception(msg + ": egl error: 0x" + integer.tohexstring(error)); } } } }
========== the end ==========
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