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程序员文章站 2022-05-17 08:52:43
select case when status='unusable' then 'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_nam...
select case when status='unusable' then
        'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_name||' rebuild online compute statistics;'
      when to_number(degree)>1 then
        'alter index /* '||degree ||' */'||owner||'.'||index_name||' noparallel;'
    end case
from (select * from dba_indexes where degree<>‘default') a
where status='unusable'
or to_number(degree)>1
and owner not in ('sys','system','manager','wmsys');

语句运行的速度很快,但是从statspack中发现这条语句的逻辑读单次高达26846。使用set autotrace比较了下9i和10g的执行计划和统计信息,发现9i查询这个视图的代价非常的高,而10g则有了一定的改善。在oracle9i中,optimizer_mode默认是choose,所以查询数据字典使用了rbo,而oracle10g则默认为all_rows,所以采用了cbo。

sql> select * from v$version;

oracle9i enterprise edition release - 64bit production
pl/sql release - production
core    production
tns for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - production
nlsrtl version - production

sql> set autot trace
sql> select * from dba_indexes;

1242 rows selected.

execution plan
  0   select statement optimizer=choose
  1  0  nested loops (outer)
  2  1   nested loops (outer)
  3  2    nested loops
  4  3     nested loops
  5  4      nested loops (outer)
  6  5       nested loops
  7  6        nested loops (outer)
  8  7         nested loops
  9  8          table access (full) of 'obj$'
 10  8          table access (by index rowid) of 'ind$'
 11  10           index (unique scan) of 'i_ind1' (unique)
 12  7         table access (by index rowid) of 'obj$'
 13  12          index (unique scan) of 'i_obj1' (unique)
 14  6        table access (by index rowid) of 'obj$'
 15  14         index (unique scan) of 'i_obj1' (unique)
 16  5       table access (cluster) of 'user$'
 17  16        index (unique scan) of 'i_user#' (non-unique)
 18  4      table access (cluster) of 'user$'
 19  18       index (unique scan) of 'i_user#' (non-unique)
 20  3     table access (cluster) of 'user$'
 21  20      index (unique scan) of 'i_user#' (non-unique)
 22  2    table access (cluster) of 'seg$'
 23  22     index (unique scan) of 'i_file#_block#' (non-unique)
 24  1   table access (cluster) of 'ts$'
 25  24    index (unique scan) of 'i_ts#' (non-unique)

     0 recursive calls
     0 db block gets
   42924 consistent gets
     0 physical reads
     0 redo size
   98000 bytes sent via sql*net to client
    1558 bytes received via sql*net from client
     84 sql*net roundtrips to/from client
     0 sorts (memory)
     0 sorts (disk)
    1242 rows processed

sql>select * from v$version;
oracle database 10g enterprise edition release - 64bi
pl/sql release - production
core   production
tns for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - productio
nlsrtl version - production

21:32:11 sys@coll>set autot trace
21:32:15 sys@coll>select * from dba_indexes;

1162 rows selected.

execution plan
plan hash value: 3901056803

| id | operation              | name  | rows | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time   |
|  0 | select statement          |    | 1164 |  330k|  237  (3)| 00:00:03 |
|* 1 | hash join right outer       |    | 1164 |  330k|  237  (3)| 00:00:03 |
|  2 |  table access full         | ts$  |   9 |  189 |   4  (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 3 |  hash join right outer       |    | 1164 |  306k|  232  (3)| 00:00:03 |
|  4 |  table access full        | seg$  | 2635 |  102k|  18  (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 5 |  hash join            |    | 1164 |  261k|  214  (3)| 00:00:03 |
|  6 |   table access full        | user$ |  35 |  560 |   2  (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 7 |   hash join            |    | 1164 |  243k|  211  (3)| 00:00:03 |
|  8 |   table access full       | user$ |  35 |  560 |   2  (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 9 |   hash join right outer     |    | 1164 |  225k|  208  (2)| 00:00:03 |
| 10 |    table access full       | user$ |  35 |  560 |   2  (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 11 |    hash join           |    | 1164 |  206k|  206  (2)| 00:00:03 |
|* 12 |    hash join outer       |    | 1164 |  172k|  174  (2)| 00:00:03 |
| 13 |     merge join         |    | 1164 |  142k|  142  (2)| 00:00:02 |
|* 14 |     table access by index rowid| ind$  | 1164 |  104k|  109  (0)| 00:00:02 |
| 15 |      index full scan      | i_ind1 | 1164 |    |   2  (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 16 |     sort join         |    | 10589 |  341k|  33  (7)| 00:00:01 |
|* 17 |      table access full     | obj$  | 10589 |  341k|  32  (4)| 00:00:01 |
| 18 |     table access full      | obj$  | 10592 |  279k|  31  (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 19 |    table access full      | obj$  | 10592 |  310k|  31  (0)| 00:00:01 |

predicate information (identified by operation id):

  1 - access("i"."ts#"="ts"."ts#"(+))
  3 - access("i"."file#"="s"."file#"(+) and "i"."block#"="s"."block#"(+) and
  5 - access("io"."owner#"="iu"."user#")
  7 - access("u"."user#"="o"."owner#")
  9 - access("ito"."owner#"="itu"."user#"(+))
 11 - access("i"."bo#"="io"."obj#")
 12 - access("i"."indmethod#"="ito"."obj#"(+))
 14 - filter(bitand("i"."flags",4096)=0)
 16 - access("o"."obj#"="i"."obj#")
 17 - filter(bitand("o"."flags",128)=0)

     0 recursive calls
     0 db block gets
    876 consistent gets
     0 physical reads
     0 redo size
   92582 bytes sent via sql*net to client
    1339 bytes received via sql*net from client
     79 sql*net roundtrips to/from client
     1 sorts (memory)
     0 sorts (disk)
    1162 rows processed

select /*+ rule */* from dba_indexes;

1162 rows selected.

elapsed: 00:00:00.55

execution plan
plan hash value: 2107813288

| id | operation              | name      |
|  0 | select statement          |        |
|  1 | nested loops outer         |        |
|  2 |  nested loops outer        |        |
|  3 |  nested loops           |        |
|  4 |   nested loops          |        |
|  5 |   nested loops outer       |        |
|  6 |    nested loops         |        |
|  7 |    nested loops outer      |        |
|  8 |     nested loops        |        |
|* 9 |     table access full     | obj$      |
|* 10 |     table access by index rowid| ind$      |
|* 11 |      index unique scan     | i_ind1     |
| 12 |     table access by index rowid | obj$      |
|* 13 |     index unique scan     | i_obj1     |
| 14 |    table access by index rowid | obj$      |
|* 15 |     index unique scan      | i_obj1     |
| 16 |    table access cluster     | user$     |
|* 17 |    index unique scan      | i_user#    |
| 18 |   table access cluster      | user$     |
|* 19 |    index unique scan       | i_user#    |
| 20 |   table access cluster      | user$     |
|* 21 |   index unique scan       | i_user#    |
| 22 |  table access cluster       | seg$      |
|* 23 |   index unique scan        | i_file#_block# |
| 24 |  table access cluster       | ts$      |
|* 25 |  index unique scan        | i_ts#     |

predicate information (identified by operation id):

  9 - filter(bitand("o"."flags",128)=0)
 10 - filter(bitand("i"."flags",4096)=0)
 11 - access("o"."obj#"="i"."obj#")
 13 - access("i"."indmethod#"="ito"."obj#"(+))
 15 - access("i"."bo#"="io"."obj#")
 17 - access("ito"."owner#"="itu"."user#"(+))
 19 - access("u"."user#"="o"."owner#")
 21 - access("io"."owner#"="iu"."user#")
 23 - access("i"."ts#"="s"."ts#"(+) and "i"."file#"="s"."file#"(+) and
 25 - access("i"."ts#"="ts"."ts#"(+))

  - rule based optimizer used (consider using cbo)

     0 recursive calls
     0 db block gets
   25254 consistent gets
     26 physical reads
     0 redo size
   93977 bytes sent via sql*net to client
    1339 bytes received via sql*net from client
     79 sql*net roundtrips to/from client
     0 sorts (memory)
     0 sorts (disk)
    1162 rows processed